Other than sending it to a 'smith or back to the factory, you could get a book on them and try it. I, myself never worried about the DA pull on my 1076 as it was only the first shot from decocked. The SA pull was more important to me and it was good on that gun. Be aware these guns aren't put together like a 1911. They don't like to be taken apart, I've always thought of them as more like a watch than a gun. Small parts, tiny c-clips, secret sequences to fitting them, etc. turned me off working on the frame internals. No surprise that you haven't received alot of responses on DIY anything to do with S&W autos (other than their 1911). They aren't easy without alot of experience (and I doubt they get much easier WITH alot of experience). I had one experience taking mine apart and I never ventured into it again.