smith model 66 or ruger kgp-141...Taurus?


New member
Looking into the class of carry much, shoot much 4" 357 revolvers I find little in the way of middle ground. Either you have light weight k frames, or heavy L frames. Most conventional Knowlege is exausted in "if you carry much shoot little, get the k frame... If you shoot much carry little get the L frame(gp-100)" I want a gun i can shoot much and will carry constaintly! I think i've found two extremes that i can live with. one is a smith model 66 with houges and that is magnaported. allowing quicker shooting than normal and still being light weight. or i could just go full out and get the beefy KGP-141 and just deal with the weight. I'm not small (6'4) so I guess it woldn't kill me to lug the 41 oz ruger, but i figured i'd ask. also the taurus titanium tracker was suggested by my dealer. seems nice, very light, but i wasn't sure what kind of loads it could handle. (standard, or perhaps heavy because of odd number of cylinders.. offset timing notches?)
Take your pick between the Ruger or the S&W, but

Most definitely not the Taurus, unless
you don't put much value on your life. Time
after time, poster's here at TFL have explained
how their Tauri handguns have malfunctioned.
My only experience was with this firms model
82, and that was enough for me.:D With a heavy
25 lb. trigger pull, there was no way to keep
all the shot's on the target.:( The only use
I would have for a Taurus would be too make
a boat anchor, out of it!!!:D

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, Life Member N.R.A.
I'd consider the Taurus Titanium Tracker. A full sized handgun in total titanium is real interesting.
Why not try the Ruger with a 3" short shroud tube and fixed sights. This will defenitely be a shoot much carry often gun. That is unless you have to have adjustable sights. This is available in the GP line up and holds 6 rounds.

There are also used examples of 3" or 2.5" S&W M-686s to be found with a bit of searching. The already come with the adjustable sights.:D

I´m a fan of .357 Magnum and own only four (three S&W: 66 / 2,5"; 686 / 2,5"; 686 poweport and one Colt Combat Carry).

I prefer the S&W 66 as CCW and shoot it a lot without problem (+6.000 hot rounds). I really like that gun, it´s one of my favorites. I´ll think that I´ll fix or trade it the "day after", until that day I enjoy and use the gun.
I've got some Taurus wheel guns and have been 100% satisfied with them. They have performed perfectly and have seen quite a bit of range time.
Carry or Shoot?

Well, my vote goes to both S&W and Taurus. How's that for diplomacy?:p

I have a Taurus 607 in stainless as a car/truck gun. I haven't had a problem with it and it's got a great trigger. Maybe I'm the lucky one.

Then I've got a S&W 66 with a 3" barrel. Boy, talk about a pleasure! Easy to carry, natural pointer, adjustable sites, Hogues.:cool: I honestly wish that I had two, no three of these, they are that great. It's just the best thing next to sliced bread and peanut butter.

I have nothing against the Rugers. You could probably load them with dynamite and not hurt them but, the weight is a bit much for me to tote around for any length of time.:(

Do not only train, also teach.
I would go with the Smith. You can't beat their triggers. I've had a GP100. Liked it a lot, but it was heavy. And pulling the hammer back (I shoot sinle action) was hard and the top of the hammer was so rough that after shooting a box of fifty, I got home and noticed my thumb was bleeding. That gun is on consignment now.
Don't know about Tauruses. But you can't go wrong with a Smith.

I believe you will be most satisfied overall with a 4" GP100 KGP-141.
It really isn't that heavy in a correct holster (Sparks, Galco, Rosen, Kramer, DeSantis, etc.), and its size allows it to fire virtually ALL bullets and power levels.

Own two as described, both tackdrivers.