Smith is the Man


New member
Thanks everyone for informing me that Sen. Bob Smith is the man to vote for next year. I read his platform and I feel very refreshed to see that there is someone who stands for this country.
I encourage all to do some reading and if you agree stand up and support him. At the bottom of his web site are 4 places to vote for him. /

"It is easier to get out of jail then it is a morgue"
Live long and defend yourself!
John 3:16
I'm afraid not! With the exception of RKBA, I'm pretty much diametrically opposed to his platform.

The guy's a sponser of the flag-burning ammendment, so he's clearly not bright enough to run a country.
O.K guy's keep it coming. I didn't know about the flag burning thing. Please give a reference to things like this. I like to read up on what people say. Have to weed out fact from personal opinion. I'm sure everyone in this type of forum can appreciate that.
From Ivan 6-25-99 1020PM EDT I posted this somewhere else,but here goes. I am pretty much down on politicos of both parties,but Sen. Smith, in a speech June 9th, outlined his positions on the many issues of the day and he may be our last hope. He wants to: 1. Abolish Dept of Education and restore local control 2. Litmus test for Supreme Court:Pro life and Pro Constitution 3. Rid our government of unconstitutional programs 4. GET THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OFF BACKS OF HONEST GUN OWNERS 5. Obtain the fullest possible accounting of our POW AND MIAS 6. DONT SIGN ANY GLOBAL AGREEMENTS THAT SACRIFICES US SOVEREIGNTY 7. NO MILITARY OPERATIONS UNLESS IT IS IN THE NATIONAL SECURITY INTERESTS OF US 8. GET RID OF THE UN 8. Smith was quoted as also saying he may run for aconservative third party if Repulicans keep going to the left where the Demacraps already are. It will be hard for Sen Smith to get nomination on Republican ticket because internationalists rule that basically elitist , Globalist Party who, along with Demorats, have pushed nation down the slippery road to socialism and one world slavery. A third party under the Smith banner would galvinize patriotic Americans who have lost faith in this corrupt system being formulatedas we speak. Ivan

We already have a candidate who meets your requirements: Harry Browne.

Unlike every other candidate, Browne doesn't let his personal feelings dictate his platform. For example, he's pro-life, but he also states that the government has no room to talk about the issue on either side. He won't outlaw abortion, but he will cut off federal funding of clinics.

Browne is 100% in line with the Constitution. I really think that he's our best hope.

"We are going to fight. We are going to be hurt.
But in the end, we will stand."
--Roland Deschain
A third party made up of patriotic Americans sounds real good. I wish it could be so but until we (as freedom loving Americans, patriots and gun owners) can gain some measure of control over the American liberal media, we won't stand a chance in hell of creating a viable third party. I promise you that it would be villified, called racist, un-American, it will be infiltrated by persons who later become revealed to be nazi's or communits. The dirty bag of tricks, propaganda and slander handed down by the global eleitists would doom any party that treatens their control. We first need to champion TRUE EQUALITY OF THE PRESS so that you, I, the guy down the road, in short, everybody has an equal voice and not just those few left liberals who control the major media in this country.

[This message has been edited by Frank Haertlein (edited June 26, 1999).]
From Ivan8883 6-26-99 835PM EDT Frank, thats the rub! how do we the people get the now conrolled press to seek the truth like it was in the old days. The day of the honest blue collar rooted newspaper reporter is long, long gone with the wind. That is the rub. Corporations run the complete media and I know that these so called reporters will not touch any serious subjects that will hurt the handlers who pay them their huge salaries. The only newspaper I think is anygood is the Spotlight and I am surprised that those brave reporters are still on the job for a neswpaper that is a throwback to the days of a HONEST PRESS. As far as a third party, we need one badly with a good patriotic leader. Maybe there might be someone besides Sen Smith,but time is running out because another George Bush(if Big Comrade doesnt declare martial law) would not be much of a improvement except to the NWO. Ivan8883