Smith and Wesson's CS9 and CS45


New member
Has anyone shot one of these tiny little bugger's yet? I'm contemplating one but in general I steer clear of S&W autos. The small size is intriguing though......I'm looking for first hand opinions. Seems like there is nothing that the gun mags(rags) don't like.
I won a CS40 a while back and it is a fine firearm.
The only things I can pick on it about are the magazine disconnect safety (will not fire unless a magazine is in place) and for a small firearm it is a bit large.
Other than those 2 items it is great.
Easy to fire-Long pull for the first shot but very short and light for the rest.
Very accurate-hits whatever I point it at.
Conclusion: if that is what you want, GO FOR IT!
I own a CS9 and wouldn't trade it for anything. It's easy to conceal and it is very accurate. I personally like the mag disconnect safety.