Smith 610 with 4 inch barrel good gun?


Who here owns and loves the Smtih 610. I thought about getting one for the revolver catagory in pin shooting. Tell me what you like about it. The reason I want it over a 357 or 44 is the fact that I have access to more 40 brass than I know what to do with.
Snap out of it man! It's a REVOLVER

Are you OK? I'm beginning to worry.:eek: You see, even though it takes the 10mm and .40S&W auto cartridges, it is STILL a wheelgun. We wouldn't want you to purchase an antique like that sight-unseen, then be all BUMMED when you found out it was not a bottom-feedin' self-shucker.:D:o
GET IT !!!!

It's not "a"'s "THE" revolver !!!

I've owned a metric buttload of revos in my 47 years (and counting), but none that compare to the 610 for control, accuracy and speed. It's a real winner in my book.

The only work I had done was a light chamfer of the chamber mouths for quicker reloading, different grips (personal preference), and a fiber optic front sight for quick target acquisition. It shoots 40's like a dream. I've put close to 1000 rounds thru mine this year and I haven't fired a 10mm yet.

I own that gun's bigger brother (the 610 Classic 6.5") and it is a SWEET revolver. Ludicrously accurate and a superb SA trigger pull. You'll want to have the chambers chamfered for quicker reloads with full moon clips, which is about a $40 proposition. Otherwise the thing is a slick piece of work and built like a tank.

If it doesn't come with full moon clips and a de-mooning tool you can get them here:

Since you load your own anyway, if you want to safely get more power out of the 610 later all you have to do is lengthen the chambers a bit to accomodate 10mm Magnum (not to be confused with the usual 10mm Auto). Starline still sells 10mm Magnum brass. Of course, you can hot rod the hell out of standard 10mm Auto in a 610 without any worries whatsoever. BTW, mine is actually extremely accurate even with .40S&W.
This gun is for revolver only matches kind of like cowboy action shooting. Just because I want to buy one does not make them suddenly a good modern fighting tool.
Just because some folks don't have the skills to use one effectively does not make them suddenly an inadequate fighting tool.

There are plenty of serious handgunners on this board who can shoot rings around most of us with a sixgun. It's not the tool, it's the operator...something that apparently escapes the modern "tactical" crowd which absolutely needs fifteen rounds in the gun and three spares to feel adequately armed.
355 sigfan:

You do know the 610 doesnt take hi-cap magazines, right? Doesnt have a decocker. No rail to mount your flashlight to. Its based on a hundred year old design that, although as effective today as ever, is obviously obsolete and useless by today's modern tactical standards.

Another concern for you: the 10mm cartridge has been around for 20 or so years, so I guess its totally obsolete too.

I think the stainless steel will clash with your uniform, which, I assume, is all black.

What, did you have a stroke or something?

:D :D :D
I love my 4" 610. It handles like a dream for IPSC, IDPA and ICORE.

Plus , it is just plain fun to shoot anbd plink with. I guess that it would be a good pig and deer gun, too. I have the 6.5" 610, also, which is not nearly as handy for quick shooting.

That 40 S&W brass works just fine and ejects fast. You can load hot, mild or medium. Cast or jacketed, all the ammo I have shot through mine is accurate.

The 4" 610 will fit the holsters for 5" and 6" N-frames, too, although there is a little extra leather below.

Bob Mundan can shoot rings around me with a colt single action army and I would guess all on this board. That does not change the fact that a single action revolver is a obsolete arm. The same goes for Jerry Mikilek with a da revolver.
WHEW! You had me concerned.

I'm glad to see that you haven't lost your senses.:D Since I see it is only for gamesmanship, I think you'd find that one would fit the bill quite nicely.;)
Yep, the 610 should be relegated to cowboy action shooting matches only. I'd as soon be armed with a matchlock in a modern, tactical, urban warfare setting (like some of you here are so frequently involved in).:D

When I carry my Redhawk am I fooling myself?


"all my handguns are heavily stoked antique handguns"
Is the 610 really as accurate as the M625? I find that kinda hard to believe, but I'd be interested in the comments of anyone who has shot them both. I too have lots of .40 and 10mm brass, and have been thinking about taking the plunge. Yeah, I know they are obsolete, but so are all of my guns. Hi-Powers, 1911's, revolvers....hey pat, do you consider the CZ 74B obsolete? or do I have one gun that qualifies as a legitimate defensive tool?
Mikey, every time you use the term metric buttload it just slays me! :D

I gotta start workin' that into my everyday vocabulary...;)

Have fired both; IME 610 is more accurate (big OD, .400" bore vs same big OD, .452" bore. Vibration characteristics....).

As for obsolete, if I cave in your skull with a rock am I tactical?
Bow and arrow? Blowgun? Or my personal fav, the stick?


"all my weapons are contained-in-my-brain weapons"