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Smiley in editing...???


Staff In Memoriam
Why is there no smiley options window upon editing a post? I've noted it a few times when a smiley addition was one thing I wanted to do.
After you've hit the "Edit" button, hit the button that says "Go Advanced" between the "save" and "Cancel" button and it'll bring up the smileys.
But why did the smileys recently get all shuffled up? I just got the dern things memorized and ya'll screwed me all up again.
They got shuffled up again??!!! :mad:

All right! Whose week was it to watch the smileys? You KNOW they'll move out of the proper order if no one is watching!

Mal H said:
You'll have to 'splain that one. What do you mean by all shuffled up?

They move around in their little window. I don't know if they're in the same position for everybody but right now this guy :) is in the upper left corner. Up until recently, he was in the right side, middle.

I don't know how often they move or why, but I do notice it on occasion.
Interesting. I've never noticed it, but I usually don't use those anyway, so I probably wouldn't (I enter the text code instead of clicking on the icon).

Maybe it's a first-found-first-displayed type of thing. So if a portion of the database is busy and one image descriptor is found before another, the order gets switched. I dunno, just guessing. I do know that when the connection is slow or the server is stressed, first the text code fills the box, and then the images show up one at a time.
Jeez, yeah -- those smilies are out of order. I wonder what else they get up to in that little box...

Oh, and, Brent -- just for the record, you can enter smilies when editing, without hitting the "Go Advanced" button -- they all have text equivalents, like :) for the basic happy face, or :mad: for the little red-faced guy... just type those in, and the smilies will obediently appear. At least they have that much discipline...
they all have text equivalents, like :) for the basic happy face, or :mad: for the little red-faced guy... just type those in, and the smilies will obediently appear.
Vanya, If it took me that long to mesmerize the locations of the smilies, you think I could ever murmerize the "text"...:D
C'mon guys, Admit it. You figured out that Brent memorized the smiley face locations and had to move them just to keep him on his toes.
Maybe it's a first-found-first-displayed type of thing. So if a portion of the database is busy and one image descriptor is found before another, the order gets switched. I dunno, just guessing. I do know that when the connection is slow or the server is stressed, first the text code fills the box, and then the images show up one at a time.
Maybe it's the software arranging the smileys by a given user's "most used"? I dunno.