Smearing Sarah!!! Again!!!

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You know, you see a lot of them in the zoo, but you rarely see a good photo of a Schlitz tall boy in its natural environment. Nice.
I don't consider a hot looking lady in a bikini holding a rifle as a smear. Just goes to show you how the liberals have their priorities all screwed up. :D
Hey, is that chick's finger on the trigger?

Other than that (or rather, including that)...


People are idiots.

EDIT: Also, a big thumbs-up to MedicineBow.
First thing I noticed as well. I must be getting old, or maybe turning gay.

Yeah, MB's comment on the Schlitz reminded me of those "test" pictures you see.

As for the trigger thing, it's one of my biggest pet peeves. I can't watch TV shows or movies without noticing it either. Though I generally also notice the opposite...Hollywood is so bad at it that often when actors practice good trigger and/or muzzle discipline it stands out like a sore thumb. Though I'm not coming up with any examples off the top of my head, I remember seeing a couple movies lately that were pretty good about it.
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Hell, if that the best the dems can do......

Seriously, all of this stuff is extremely childish and out of place. (with the attacks on families and all) But just par for the course for the left.

I would like to see someone start hitting Obama hard. Getting into his school funding, his family and professional ties, how HIS underage momma was unmarried and pregnant, by a married man....ect, ect.

But we can't do that. Its sacred don't you know? :rolleyes: If we do that, the focus will be we only did it to put down the black man, or that we are afraid of a black man being POTUS, ect. Any attack on Obama, no matter how factual is immediately jumped on as racist, but anyone can attack Palin with impunity.

Just another note on the current state of affairs...
Can no one but me tell that is one body with two heads in the same picture side-by-side???? And that tells us what about Sarah? That someone knows how to use PhotoShop?
Can no one but me tell that is one body with two heads in the same picture side-by-side????

The people actually spreading it are only spreading the one with Sarah's face. The original is provided here to debunk it.

And that tells us what about Sarah? That someone knows how to use PhotoShop?

That, and maybe that she has a pretty face. Subjective and all, though I'm in the "for" camp.

But at least from what I've seen so far most halfway intelligent Obama supporters A) don't buy this and B) don't find it particularly amusing. Both sides have their wingnut idiots, apparently "mine" (I really don't claim them) are good with PhotoShop.
That, and maybe that she has a pretty face.

I agree, the photo shopped one with Sarah's face looked better than the original... Pretty sad that's what has to be done to attempt to smear her... Looks like the Libs must be getting a little nervous to be pulling these silly stunts. :rolleyes:
The people actually spreading it are only spreading the one with Sarah's face. The original is provided here to debunk it.
Ok, the one posted, with the banner spanning both images, threw me.
O.K. now let's see Joe Biden in a Speedo!!
You know, we can argue & bicker like mashed cats around here and you gotta finally cross the line of decency...:barf: This is the first time I'm ever going to report a disgusting post! :D
O.K. now let's see Joe Biden in a Speedo!!
How about this instead?

Are we supposed to believe this? Those are obviously extensions and I am betting his boobs are fake too. :D

...and just what is he hiding behind his back? Could it be his real birth certificate?

CAUTION: I am only posting a link instead of the actual pic. It is g-rated but some might find it offensive so view at your own discretion.


I guess all you guys that think a big rack is a qualification for public office might be rethinking your vote now. :)

Seriously though...who would produce such hateful garbage...and to do it in such a low quality manner too? You would think they rushed through making it because they were busy getting ready for a hiking trip or something like that.

PS: Since when does google return hardcore dirty pics on web searches? I am pretty sure I am now scarred for life after looking up "dominatrix."
PS: Since when does google return hardcore dirty pics on web searches? I am pretty sure I am now scarred for life after looking up "dominatrix."

Do you have "SafeSearch" turned on? Or rather to its highest level.

If you do, just be thankful. It only gets worse otherwise.
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