SmartCarry Update


New member
So, I've been using the SmartCarry for about a year and a half now. Here's an update.

1. Quality and Workmanship: A+
It's showing signs of wear on the front and back like a pair of bluejeans, and the stretch bands are shriveling up a bit, but it still gets the job done. That wear spot on the backside bottom is not even close to wearing through. The soft white fabric is worn through, but whatever they use as a liner is unfazed. Even with the wear patterns it appears that it will last several more years.

2. Concealability: A+
It just ain't there to anyone but me even with a Bianchi speed strip.

3. Practicality: B+
It is what it is: not a fast draw, but a compromised reasonable draw. I can draw, point and shoot within about 3 seconds.

4. Comfort: A+
Even with the steel-frame Colt DS I often forget it's there. It's that comfortable even when sitting or squatting.

5. Safety: A+
It does not point at my privates and even when sitting it lays across the top of the thigh, not pointing at any bodypart except, maybe the top of one's foot. At no time has my revolver moved, begun to cycle, or had a hammer cock and drop. Ain't gonna happen with a revolver (which is why I carry a revolver in it).

The old man in Florida has done his homework and is producing a superior deep cover carry.

Couldn't be happier with it.


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Read the review carefully. I have been using my SC for over a year with much the same results and ratings.

I recommend the SC highly.
As you've probably already determined, they fit best when worn slightly to one side or the other rather than directly in front.

The butt of my Colt rests directly under my belt buckle, so the slight bulge isn't noticeable.
I love mine. I bought mine back around 2003 or so. Carried a Taurus PT-140 in it probably 3 days a week and the other 4, I carried it in a cheap IWB holster. Sold the Taurus, bought a XD9SC and was able to continue using the same Smartcarry. I now probably carry 5 days a week in the Smartcarry and right now, the only visible wear is on the front where it's starting to fade like in the pictures from the OP. Factor out the days I didn't use it and I'm going on close to 3 years of everyday use and it's still like new.

I'm going to buy another one, this time in size medium and pass this one along to a friend since I'll be able to carry both of my XDs in a medium.