Smart ol' bucks know when the season's over...


New member
This buck showed up on the game camera yesterday. South Texas brush country. No one had seen him for the 3 months of deer season. LOL
Musta just been a strange year...maybe the acorn crop or something. I had nice bucks all over before the season opened here in east Texas, but they pretty much disappeared by opening and have been either hiding or nocturnal ever since. The feeders are still bringing in very few, but I know they are out there. Lots of cover where I hunt.
He looks like he was rutting heavily. Gaunted down a bunch. Whatever tallow is left is likely very yellow. He had fun, though. :)
I used to hunt a mountain that had a dynamite plant back in the one valley. They had posted signs up along their property and there was always rub lines along the edge of the property. A few years back they sold off some of the property and another company bought the buildings and put posted signs up along the edge of the new borders. You guessed it. The rub lines changed to the new border. Dumb animals?
Deer an elk are smart and yes they go nocturnal and follow the cycle of the moon. If this thread lasts a day or two I will upload my photos from my cam above my salt block 50 feet above the cabin. Deer and elk feed on my protein block....they actually take a chunk off and lay down sometimes for up to two hours and just chew their cud.
I feel your pain. I'd love it if the deer eating my hay would have shown up during the season.

Also I'm convinced that the way to go is to buy a golf course. That's where I see the most, and best deer during hunting season.
just instinct?

I swear they know where and when you can hunt.
Buddy and I just spent the last 2 days humping the brush up here in NJ 's permit season. After seeing nothing all morning we broke early and drove around past the far side of the park to see if we could come in that way. Wish I got a picture - Right under the "No Hunting" sign, 3 does standing there looking at us with that look "Can I help you?" :confused: