Small Victories in Texas


New member
Dallas Morning News, 4/23/99---"....The House Public Safety Committee voted to kill a proposal to extend criminal background checks to gun shows and flea markets, where some law enforcement officials said illegal gun sales go virtually unchecked.

At the same time, the committee passed a bill to allow people to carry weapons in their cars. The driver wouldn't need a concealed-weapon permit as long as the gun had a trigger lock or other safety device.

Wednesday night, the House Civil Practices Committee approved another bull, already passed in the Senate, to prohibit cities and counties from filing lawsuits against gun manufacturers....."

Let's hope Texas stands strong. Two of the Littleton weapons, according to a news blurb, were traced to an 18 yr. old friend of one of the shooters. No other info about the sale, gun show, or purchaser were given. Was it even a legal sale? Was fake ID used? Was it from a dealer or private individual? I hate sound bites!

I think Lyle Lovett was right. I'm not from Texas, but Texas wants me anyways!

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.