Small primer 45 for suppressed load

Ike Clanton

New member
Just a random idea but do you think using small pistol primer 45 acp brass for my suppressed loads would lower the overall sound?
I don't think it would be measurable and if it was, I can't imagine the difference would be 1 decibel. The blast is almost completely coming from the powder charge. You could reduce that and get more of a reduction of sound until your gun starts to malfunction below 700fps or so. You might get it to function down to the 500s with a light recoil spring.
Nope. The sound of a gunshot has two components: (a) the sudden release to atmospheric pressure of a large mass of highly compressed, usually very hot, and usually high deoxigenated gas, and (b) in the case of supersonic rounds, the cracking of the sound barrier by the projectile once it has exited the muzzle. The primer size has zero contribution to (b) and probably all but zero contribution to (a).

Suppressors work, in essence, by lengthening the time over which the pressure is released to the atmosphere. Since the sound would be the same with either size primer without a suppressor, it will be the same with either primer size with the suppressor.
Instead of primer size, might consider using fastest burning practical powder. At least in the pistols tried, there is a noticeable difference.
My load as of now is 4.2 grs N-310 which is almost the fastest available. They are pretty dang quiet at around 790 FPS from my 8 inch barrel. I could go with less powder but I like spinning steel. More or less just trying to find a use for small pistol primer brass I come across.
Have segregated some small primer 45 acp brass, but never actually loaded any. Didn't want them to get inadvertently mixed in with a batch of regular sized primers. Always wanted to try some N-310, as the V V pistol powders tried have been very clean burning.

Suppressed 45 acp at steel is pleasurable, and your longer barrel definitely helps out. If no one else is there like shooting without the muffs, even if it is not recommended.
My load as of now is 4.2 grs N-310 which is almost the fastest available. They are pretty dang quiet at around 790 FPS from my 8 inch barrel. I could go with less powder but I like spinning steel. More or less just trying to find a use for small pistol primer brass I come across.

8" 45 ACP? Just out of curiosity, what are you shooting? Do you already have the suppressor?
"The correct use of 45 ACP SPP brass is to melt them and cast something useful."

I strongly disagree. I always check to insure I don't get them mixed up and other than that, they load and shoot just as nice as the larger primer cartridge. But I do have more time than money so it's no problem.
Paul B.
Based on some old primer data you can find online, the difference between SP and LP primer energy is about 2 or 3 ft-lbs. If your 45 Auto load is 350 ft-lbs, I think you can begin to see the order of magnitude of the difference the primer itself will contribute is less than 1%. For hearing, a power difference of less than 10% (1 decibel) is generally considered below the ability of the ear to detect, and we are nowhere near that much.
Ike Clanton said:
Just a random idea but do you think using small pistol primer 45 acp brass for my suppressed loads would lower the overall sound?
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In my experience, No!, and I load small primer brass preferentially to large primer, so I have a basis from which to judge.