Slugs down a Full choke?


New member
Hey folks,
My Mossberg (500) manual states that I can put rifled slugs down any choke style'd barrel.
Strangely, the shotgun has 3 barrels with one specifically designed slug barrel with rifle sights. It is not rifled.
I just cant get into the idea of putting slugs down a bird barrel with a full choke on it, although I would like to load the last couple rounds of my shotgun with slugs just in case of big game attack.
Is this really ok to do this?
Why even bave a "slug" barrel then?
What would be the best slugs to put behind my birdshot?
I just have too many darn barrels :)


Same Shot, Different Day
If I wuz a guessin' fella, I'd say it's an accuracy issue. Some deformation of the lead slug in going through the choke-portion. I think I'd try a sabot load, on general principles...

I have a Mossberg 500 which came with a 28 in. field barrel and a 24 in. rifled slug barrel. My field barrel has interchangable choke tubes..and yours probably does also. Are you going to be carrying your shotgun for hunting..or are you carrying it specifically for defense? If you have interchangable choke tubes..use the I.C. or Modified cylinder tubes..if it is a fixed full choke..never'll shoot slugs safely. I have shot 2 3/4" slugs out of a VERY tight full choked barrel...the accuracy was terrible..but at close range it is fine..if you are going to make the slugs the last two shells in your gun youll have to fire off the first few shells that time, whatever big game (bear?) you are worried about will be within very close range...and the full choke innaccuracy wont matter. Mossbergs FAQ's page has a answer for this topic at
I have hunted with an 870 which ha a factory full choke barrel and a bead site. My step-father has also hunted with it, several times. We use Activ or Federal Slugs through it and have found it to be extremely accurate. I personally shot a running buck at about 70 yards a couple years ago with an Active Slug.
In New Jersey, you cannot hunt with a Rifle, so this gun was the next thing for a long time. Since then he has gotten a Browning Bolt action Slug Gun, which is much more accurate beyond 75-80 yards than the 870 was. I stil use the 870 when in Jersey.

For my Benneli, I have found a Brenneke SLug that works very well out to 100 yards through a modified Choke. I am going to try out the Triton "Quick Shot" 500 grain slugs soon, to see which choke works best.

I like the idea of a Slug that works well through an Improved Modified or Full choke, since those are better choices for defenseive applications, in most circumstances. Tighter patterns with Buck shot mean less chance of a stray pellet.

In the '96 Ohio season I shot (& harvested) a standing buck at 118 paces (in front of witnesses)- the combination was an Active slug in a very elderly full choked Winchester M12. I'd not recommend this to anyone, however I have thoroughly tested all available loads through all of the 12 gauge shotguns I own that I'd be willing to put a slug through and this combination in this shotgun really works well- though it is on the ragged end of the range at which I can be assured of a clean kill. I have a friend who has a Remington M870 with a factory full choke which will place 5 shots in a grapefruit sized group at 80 yards with Actives. Other shotguns do prefer other shells. All I can add is that if you want to try slugs in a full choked barrel, head for the range soon with 50 of every make and load of slug which your Mossberg will chamber. Shoot 3 groups of 5 shots each at 50 yards, then take the best two or three slug loads & move the target out to 75 yards. Shoot 2 groups of 5 for each selected load at 75. If you can still reliably hit the kill zone, move the target to 100 yards, then 125. You'll find out where your group comes apart, what your sight picture needs to look like at the longer ranges, and have a sore, blue shoulder. If one load shows promise, head back to the point of purchase & buy a goodly supply from the same lot. Then practice frequently 'till deer season opens. If you aren't willing and/or able experiment extensively as described above, please don't try to extend the range at which you shoot slugs to beyond say 50 yards. And if you're interested don't wait until October to start your tests.