Slugging a barrel


New member
Got meister barrel slugging kit.

Directions were pretty clear but still have a couple questions. I plan to call them, but it being Sunday, thought I'd see if I can get some answers here first.

1.I bought the number 5 kit which lists as correct for 9mm on thier site. .352-.364. The wooden rods that came with the kit do not fit in my barrels. I assume I'm not supposed to just pound them in. The are just barely to big to fit. Think they just sent the wrong size rods? Or am I missing something?

2.I assume I will need a hammer (with the correct size rod) to pound it through right? Just use a standard hammer or maybe a hard plastic one? Should I put the muzzle end on a wood block when I do it?
Wrong dowels.

Pounding a slug once it's in the bore is a great way to get it stuck, and/or shatter the dowels and wedge them in place. Wood is also not a great idea, since the dowels tend to split length-wise and act as wedges in the bore.

Once a slug is started (by tapping, not pounding), you should be able to push it with only hand pressure on an appropriate rod. Pushing by hand is also how you feel for constrictions or loose spots.
(Brass rods are best. But I usually use O-1 drill rod, because I have 36" lengths in nearly every bore size from .218" to .466".)

Pounding and/or wooden dowels are a great way to end up panicking, doing something bad, and looking like an idiot:
Run a patch with a little light oil on it through the bore before slugging—just enough to barely touch the bore surface with it. It makes the slug start more easily and then makes it easier to push it the rest of the way through. I also always slug both from the breech end and from the muzzle, as the feel of moving the slug through the bore from the wider end will be different and reveal more faults than starting at the narrow end does. This is because the narrow end makes the slug too narrow to drag at all on the rest of the bore.
If you don't have a "kit" do you just use a lead bullet of caliber size? If it's unknown, do you guess ay the proper size slug?

Most people don't have different cal lead just lying around.
Got a couple brass rods. Meister also responded to let me know he tested some rods and are going to send some replacements to me. The brass rods I ordered from Amazon are 6mm. I think they should do the trick.
THanks for the help!
If you don't have a "kit" do you just use a lead bullet of caliber size? If it's unknown, do you guess ay the proper size slug?

Before I started casting, I would use fishing sinkers. I would usually get largish bullet sinkers and pound them to slightly flatten and enlarge them until they were close to the correct diameter. Obviously you need it slight large. Dead soft lead is forgiving. It’s usually not all to difficult to get slugs even .02 over grove diameter started with some LIGHT tapping by a brass mallet. Once it’s started I use a metal rod to push it with hand pressure, I never had to pound all the way down.

Now I cast lead so I don’t have to go seeking fishing sinkers anymore.
Barrels slugged.
CZ TSO: .3555-.356
Glock 17 Gen 5: .355-.3555

So can I use .356 in both of these barrels? Measuring was tougher than I thought.
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If using lead I would go .3565 or .357 personally. As always, heed the lead through a Glock barrel warning. I know guys who have shot lead in factory Glock barrels and had no issues but they kept an eye on the fouling. I’m on the fence as to whether I would personally do it. Just so you are aware to keep an eye on it.
If you don't have a "kit" do you just use a lead bullet of caliber size? If it's unknown, do you guess ay the proper size slug?

Most people don't have different cal lead just lying around.
Fishing I can understand
that. Easy to bump up by light tapping, or shrink by rolling fetween 2 hard surfaces. Much cheaper than buying a bag of shot or box of bullets.
They are if they are pure lead. Unfortunately, due to lead hysteria, the ones I see now at Wallyworld or other general outlets are usually no longer lead. Make sure you can dent it significantly with your thumbnail before you buy.