Slug or buckshot in .410 full choke.

Howdy all,

I have a Savage 24 combination gun .410 and 22lr. It has a full choke. I love it and think it is about the most useful survival weapon, and is my current truck gun. Does anybody know of a .410 load, buckshot or slug, that will retain decent accuracy, under 30yds, through a full choke, and maximize killing power?

I'm more thinking of a few cartridges to keep with it for emergency close range deer hunting or self defense. I'm not planning to go deer hunting with a .410.

Thanks all,
I would imagine it'll vary from gun to gun but my guess is you'll have better luck with a good buckshot load. Federal makes a good 000 buck shell.

But I would just buy both and do a little experimenting...that's the fun part!

Tried today 3 in. Winchester rifled 1/4 oz. slug which shot really well at 30yds. I was able to hit a Gatorade bottle from resting on the hood of my truck, each of the 3 shots I fired. Good enough for me. My Savage 24 had an old Weaver scope sighted for the .22 barrel, it was a couple of inches below the crosshairs for these slugs.

Did not have very good luck accuracy wise with Winchester 2 1/2 in. with 3 OOObuck pellets. Had to get about 15yds. to hit all three pellets on a gatorade bottle sized target.
model 24

I think the old Model 24 combo guns would make ideal truck/GP/subsistance guns. But if I were to obtain one for such use, the shotgun barrel would not be in .410. But yours is, and you love it, and that's OK.

The .410 slug has been debated for many years. Just to clarify, the US version is a Foster type going about .38-390 in dia and it runs an advertised 1800 fps, but I doubt it. That gives the slug an energy level in the neighborhood of a magnum revolver, but we know that energy figures aren't everything. As you've discovered range on the .410 slug is limited, and the soft lead of a slug and it's conoidal shape with hollow skirt will limit penetration. I know of a few deer killed with a .410 slug, so it's possible.

Were I trying to maximize the .410 slug performance, I would look for some of the Brenneke slugs. These may or may not be still available, but were made in .410. I am uncertain as to their availability. The Brenekes are reputed to be heavier and harder, and may shoot more accurately (or they may not) due to the seal on the base.
I had a 24 and it was not very accurate with slugs but with buck shot it seemed to do much better. I am not sure but I think I used #4 buck and had 3 pellets
In my opinion, what you are trying to do is akin to asking a go-cart to do a job made for a pickup truck. A single-shot .410 was never meant to be either a defense weapon nor a large-animal meat getter. Use it for what it does best and get a better tool for the other work.
Buckshot is unreliable past 40 yards or so. The chances of just one of those 3 pellets hitting anything vital are slim. Ain't like that with a slug. Mind you, it'd be buck over slug for a full choke. But 3 pellets isn't going to deter much.
You probably should think about changing truck guns. Savage 24's are becoming collector pieces.
"...had a 24 and it was not very accurate..." Mine was a .223 over 20 gauge. The rifle barrel wasn't very accurate either.
I do own a plethora of good deer and elk rifles.

But, I am a young college graduate trying to start my career away from home, living in a minimalist life style, renting a cubby hole with room-mates (Room-mates seem like good chaps, but I want to be careful). When I left home I took a pocket pistol (Ruger LCP) and the Savage 24. I keep the LCP on my person, and the Savage 24 in my truck. In my current living situation it seems hard to keep complete control of any more guns than these two.

I'm not planning to hunt big game, I was just looking for the best possible option for the Savage if I have to fight or eat my way back home. The .22 barrel would be accurate enough for a head shot on a deer if I could get close enough. So far, I've had pretty good luck accuracy wise with the slugs I've been trying the last couple days; the buckshot loads not so much.
What are the potential dangers to your survival? Those dangers should be carefully considered in the determination of appropriate survival firearms.

Accuracy and buckshot do not really go together well. Sort of like Rolls Royce and affordable. Your results with the .410 and its buck loads would not be any different if you were shooting a larger bore with more pellets. "Gatorade" sized groups a 15 yds sounds about right. Buckshot has always been a relatively short range proposition. With the .410, even more so, as you have about half a load (or less) to start with, ie 4 pellets v. 9 . The .410 buck loads were largely the result of the .410 revolvers that seem so popular. Four pellets of buck at SD handgun distance seems attractive to some folks, but I wouldn't own one of the things.

At this point I really believe you are asking more of your two guns (LCP and Savage model 24) than for what they are capable or intended. The Model 24 is a subsistance/GP/camp gun for small game, even more so in your case when limited to .410/.22lr. Ideally suited for potting a squirrel/bunny or those funny sage birds you have out your way. Trying to upgrade the .410 with slugs or buck for other purposes is pouring water uphill. The LCP is a pocket pistol, for short SD ranges and concealability when nothing else will. Neither are fighting guns in the primary sense. Better than nothing, but better choices abound when you start thinking that way.
The best thing you can do is go out and shoot it with a few loads, in fact if you plan on using it for defense, its a must.
I shoot a bunch of .410 buckshot, and each of my shotguns likes different things
on the upside its really fun to pattern a .410 (doesn't pound you to death)
Downside, you have to buy shells that may or may not be usefull.

Stay away from the bare lead buckshot, I have found the plated handgun ammo patterns far better in all my guns, and doesn't deform as badly,

get both 2.5 and 3" the 3" holds more yes, but if it throws a bad pattern its wasted
My little badger loves the 2.5 000 buck loads out to about 20-25, some were very very good.
dont shoot one shot and call it good, I use a min of 5 shots to determine if a patter is fairly consistant

The disc type ammo with the BB, mostly junk
the triple defense, slug/ball combo, mixed results, mostly poor.
slugs, most will shoot decent enough out to 50yds, but many are constructed pretty light, best get on the google and see if there are more out there, im sure there are.

Best of luck, and have fun with it!