Slug of choice


New member
I've noticed at local 3-gun matches that Federal Tactical 00 has become the unofficial standard for buckshot. Tight pattern (especially from Vang barrels,) light recoil with little reduction in practical terminal effectiveness.

Great, as soon as I manage to shoot up all that damned S&B I stocked up on, I'll switch over.

But is there a slug that is equally popular?
The light blue box BRENEKKE slugs and the new KO work well. The seem to penetrate alot deeper. They kick alittle more though.
Each and every shotgun differs on what woks most accurately in it. Two identical models with consecutive serial numbers might turn in targets wildly different.

A loose rule, sabots work best in full rifled bbls. IMO, it's the twist.

Of the two here, one 870 with choke tubes likes my old duty load best, the Winchester Forster type. T'other, a no choke Tactical 870 likes the 2 3/4" Brenneke.bUT, your results can/will differ.

Take your favorite anti-inflammatory, get out to the range with a variety and start testing from the bench. There is NO effective alternative.

BTW, neither a BG nor a deer can tell the difference between getting hit with a 2 3/4 slug or a 3 inch. Most 2 3/4 slugs I've tried were more accurate than their 3 inch relatives, but this may not hold true in general.
Kevlarman --

IIRC the problem with the S&B 00 is that the shell is longer than it should be. I think they use 3" shells for both 3" and 2 3/4". That makes it hard to load the maximum number of rounds in some guns.

Also they do seem to be quite harsh in the recoil department.
Yeah, they realy rip the heck out of blocks of ordinace Jello. Even idiot gunwriters like Shawn Dodson of firearmscraptical have to be impressed by it.