Slip Hammering


New member
I noticed that the current record holder in SASS uses the Slip Hammer method of shooting his Vaqueros. (Alias is Lead Dispenser I believe). I’ve been practicing routines that are similar to those used in the SASS competitions (I may join someday). Slip Hammering seems definitely faster though awkward and I wondered if I should commit the time it will take to get comfortable with that method. Curious if it is used much by other shooters? Safety issues?


probably should restrict it to Rugers as it is hard on traditional single actions. Elmer Keith modified a colt for slip hammering. I belive he removed the trigger but am not sure. He said he got very good with it but it sure messed up his traditional trigger shooting for a while. His friend Neuman used this method replacing the hammer spur with a sharp peg lower on the hammer. He would crook his thumb over it and let it slip through the crease.

You know to me slip hammering is fanning a revolver ..SASS rules says no fanning but they allow slip hammering ... go figure . I wouldn`t do eaither too hard on the pistol works .
Yeah, I’ve tried it the last few times I’ve been out and it felt like if I really focused on practicing with it, I’d be much faster. On the other hand, when I went back to the traditional method, I had trouble reverting. I guess if I was really interested in competing, to the exclusion of other forms of shooting, I’d use that method. As a novice though, I found the method awkward to the point of being un-safe.
faning and racing the action takes its toll. I know a couple of people who have chipped the half cock notch on their ruger old model hammers allowing them to shoot from half cock if the trigger is pulled.
Be safe hit the trigger each time, with practice you will be as fast and more accurate. i have seen people slipp hammer and shot over are 15 ft high back stop they wind up working the hammer faster than their brains ( Ok this applys to 95% of shooters ) If you are as fast and accurate as world class compeditors practice slip hammering ( For most people in SASS saftey 1st Fun 2nd Winning is a bonus )