"slimloader" pouches for moon clips?


New member
Andrews Custom Leather makes a "slimloader" is a simple strap of leather with a thumb snap that allows carrying a speedloader on a belt with 1/2 the rounds behind the belt (loader straddles the belt and is secured by the strap)...makes carrying much less noticeable than typical speedloader pouch or even moonclip carrier hanging off belt.

I use moonclips with my revolver...and thought a moonclip on the belt upside down secured by a similar strap (only smaller to match lesser height of a moonclip vs a speedloader) so that a release of the snap permits the clip to basically just "fall" into the palm..and which also permits the clip to be carried half over the belt would be very convenient, quick and highly packable.

Anybody know if these are made..or got the know-how to manufacture such a thing in leather or nylon?
if I had time I could possibly make one, as I dabble with holsters, but I haven't had time to do any leather work for a long time...

my concern would be... for everyday use, the moon clip getting bent, where it could bind in the revolver... you made need some reinforcing material ( aluminum ??? ) to support the moon clip, so if part of the weight of a bag of groceries, or if you snagged it on a railing, or ??? that it didn't bend
think clips on side supported with belt and the strap would be ok...at least worth a try. maybe I can get me some strap leather and just see what I can get done. and a wee bit of aluminum across inside top would probably not hurt a thing.