Slim grips for Taurus M85


New member
I recently purchased a set of Barami Hip Grips for my Taurus M85. I love them! Aside from being a DEEP concealment option for the hip (albeit SLOW into action) it has essentially the same slim-line grip shape that the original J-frame S&W's came with. I would love to have a similar (without the "hook") set for use with a holster. Has anyone seen a conventional set of grips of this type made for the M85? I can't find anything... :(
Taurus's 2004 catalogue has a model 85 in it wearing mother of pearl, and one with rosewood grips. It may be possible to call and have a set of these delivered. They resemble the old J-frame grips. I've been wanting a pair for myself here lately.
Aren't these two finger "boot grip" style stocks, that fill the space behind the trigger guard? I haven't tried these, but I do really like getting all three fingers on the handle. Do you have any experience with the "boot grips?"
Just put a set of the rosewood boots on my "Spectra Blue" (whooooo) Titanium 85. Really look sharp and are much slicker and smaller than the full wrap rubber boot that came with the gun. I find the old j-frame profile grip to be too "twisty" so I prefer the leverage of the boot shape.

But don't be stuck on brand specificity. You can get a set of old J-frame grips and drill a hole for the different Taurus pin location and use them on your 85 if you like. Most gunshops or shows have a pile of old grips people leave behind when they buy the new, hot rubber whatsis's.

All that being said, those old J frame grips with the old aluminum tylers t-grip filler are about the most compact yet controllable option I've ever tried on a j-frame. Just not so pretty as a rosewood boot. ;)