I have seen some deeply checkered factory grips that come with a CZ Kadet. They look like they should fit on a 75B. While the originals feel good they are slick with sweaty hands. I tried some pachmyer replacements but the sucky things not only didn't fit to the frame well, they also interfered with the magazine insertion and replacement. I've seen that Hogue has some for sale but I don't want the front strap if I can avoid it. Anyone have any ideas or experience with this?
Unfortunately, CZ advertising sucks! The web page is pathetic and has been for over a year. They even have misspellings in this months American Rifleman add. Great guns! Pi*s poor, Ooops, I mean to say, the web site is of no help. CZ, if you're listening my nine year old neice could help you develop a better web application. How long is your accessories page going to be under construction? -ddt
Unfortunately, CZ advertising sucks! The web page is pathetic and has been for over a year. They even have misspellings in this months American Rifleman add. Great guns! Pi*s poor, Ooops, I mean to say, the web site is of no help. CZ, if you're listening my nine year old neice could help you develop a better web application. How long is your accessories page going to be under construction? -ddt