slide stop levers


New member
i have an old para ordnance frame kit that with the exception of this one problem is totally reliabe. it seems after 6-8 rounds fired the slide stop lever will catch the slide even though the gun is not empty. it does not matter which magazine is used ( i have several). the para frame has a wilson slide and brown barrel if that helps. help
This is called false slide lock.
It can be caused by many different things. The two most common are:
1. Lever is being knocked up by a loose thumb or finger. Have someone watch you shoot to check on grip and if any fingers and/or thumbs are moving more then they should.
2. Slide lock lever has a 90 degree edge where it catches the slide. The angle should be 90 degress but it needs to be rounded some to ensure that the slide can knock it back down if it just makes contact. To see if this is the problem shoot the firearm until it goes into false slide lock and see how much the slide lock lever engauges into the slide. If it only is up enough the minimum it takes to lock the slide then this may be the cause. It also could be a loose finger and/or thumb. Either case by rounding the corner off the slide release would be forced back down to where it should be.
Blooch, not to argue with Bryan but check the inside of the release where it contacts the magazine follower. More than likely you will find brass marks on it. Just relieve this area with a file, a little at a time, until the bullet noses no longer contact it. This can also be caused by inertia. It's more common with extended releases. That can be remedied by cutting/drilling a small detent notch in the end of the release to give the plunger something to hold on to. George
George is correct that is another very common problem. I have heard of it a lot but can not remember the last time I ran into it.
Thanks George, didn't think of that one.