Slide locked back


New member
I purchased a G26 for my wife four years ago. She has been to the range many times and had shoot and handled it very well. She is now pretty much immobile with advanced Leukemia and other problems. So the gun is mounted on her wheelchair. She is unable to rack the slide and we are both uncomfrontable having a round in the chamber wth the slide closed. Does anyone see a problem with locking the slide back and hitting the release when needed? What are the long term affects/
The only problem I can see is dirt getting into the gun with the slide locked back but then again its a Glock and short of a rock lodging into the mechanism, it should still be able to handle the possible dirt accumulation.

My suggestion would be to trade the Glock for something like an H&k Variant that can keep a round in the chamber but decock the hammer. The first round is double action and then it becomes single action after that.

My prayers go out to your wife.
I have been carrying Glock pistols for nearly 20 years.I have always carried with a loaded chamber and have had no safety concerns.If the need for self defense ever happens,the simpler the system the better off you will be.In my oppinion,pull,point and pull the trigger is the way to go.I see no need to add complications to someone who already has health and mobility issues.Just be sure that the holster that you get has rigid sides and covers the trigger and you will be as safe as it is possible to be ,short of having slide down on an empty chamber.
Sorry to hear about her health problems. I would go with what she is comfortable with. Many ways to skin a cat.

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Yes, she is unable to go to the range anymore, so we agreed to stick with what she is familar with. Thanks to everyone for their prayers.
Anyone feel there will be aproblem with the spring?
Have you really examined why you are not comfortable with a round in the chamber?

If there are children who would have access to the gun, then I would agree.

Barring that, I would keep the gun ready as the manufacturer intended it. One in the chamber and ready to go.

Very sorry to hear of the health problems. I do hope things work out for you.

I'm also sorry to hear of her poor health.

I'm taking a guess here, but I don't think there would be a problem with a constantly compressed recoil spring. Springs become weakened over time with frequent compression / decompression. Static springs, compressed or not, don't seem to have that problem.

I'd be more concerned about the top round in the magazine becoming partially dislodged from her wheelchair bumping over rough pavement, etc., and causing a failure to feed or a stovepipe. The closed slide normally holds the top round in place.

If the Glock is in a substantial, stiff holster that completely covers the trigger guard, and your wife knows instinctively/reflexively to keep her trigger finger and any other possible obstructions out of the trigger guard when re-holstering, there is no real reason to be concerned with keeping a round in the chamber. Even something as minimalist as a MIC holster might work for this purpose - see .

Or you might want to look at something like a SafePacker - or see for video of this carrying system in use.

If you want to take a belt-and-suspenders approach, and your wife is willing to train with this new option, there's the SAF T Blok that snaps into place behind the trigger and has to be pushed out before firing - . Note that there have been reports of some issues with this device fitting certain holsters ( ) and its presence may prevent firing if the user forgets under pressure to remove it.

There are a LOT of options available to you, and I'd consider most if not all of them better than carrying the gun with the slide locked open on a loaded magazine...


If someone truly can't rack the slide on a semi-auto and is uncomfortable with 1 in the pipe, they need to look at going to a revolver. The other alternative is something like a Smith 5906 where you can keep one in the pipe and it basically works like a revolver on the 1st shot (or you can cock the hammer like a revolver).

Good point. Another option might be CZ SP01. Pretty easy on the trigger finger and reliable as all get out.
