Slide lock malf with SIG P245?

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Walt Welch

New member
After several hints, my daughter is giving her daddy a Sig P245 for Christmas. She bought two, and they had consecutive serial numbers.

She reports to me that the slide lock on one pistol is extremely hard to operate; it is virtually impossible to depress to release the slide. The other pistol operates normally.

Has anyone else had experience with this problem with this type of pistol? Walt
Walt, I like Sigs but I must tell you I have had a bad experience with the take-down lever on a US assembled P239. I believe that the 245's are built entirely in Germany and a report of this nature is highly unusual. I would certainly examine it and then if the problem persists, send it back to Sig. On my 239, I sent it on a Tuesday overnight and it was back the FRIDAY of the same week with nice black and siver Sig cap that is on my head right now. Call and ask for Mike Guanneri (I think that's right). He's a prince of a fellow.

BTW, you've raised your daughter well. Hats are off to ya!

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."

[This message has been edited by Will Beararms (edited November 18, 1999).]
Walt that seems to be normal. When my P220 was new, it had the same. The slide lock pressure is influenced by whether there is ammunition in the magazine or not. As the gun is broken in, that will begin to diminish.

Why use the slide lock? Just pull the slide back a lot it go. (I'm assuming the the problem is with a loaded mag in place.) Like a previous noted it is more or less common with Sigs (and probably slightly worse with the P245--all those rounds in that short magazine), and yes it gets better (but again, why bother).
Is your daughter married?... I like her already. ;) We could exchange Sigs at the alter and save some money on rings.

SWM 22 years of age.


AOL IM: BenK911
ICQ # 53788523
"Gun Control Is Being Able To Hit Your Target"
I had the opposite problem with a P245 manufactured in early 1997. The slide would occasionally drop when a loaded magazine was inserted and locked into place. It didn't seem to matter if the mag was slapped into place with the palm, or snapped into place with the thumb. SIG Sauer resolved this problem with a new slide. The slide lock notch wasn't properly machined, or heat treated one.
Either way the problem was corrected.

May your lead always hit center mass and your brass always land in your range bag.

Fellow posters; thanks for your input. Since this problem was on only one pistol, I asked her to take it back to the dealer and have them make it right.

Ben; she is currently unmarried. If you are interested, send blood, urine, and tissue samples, as well as DNA chart to me. ;)

If UPS won't take ground delivery of firarms, what do you think they would do with all that stuff you asked for? Unlike guns, I guess there won't be much of a threat of theft by the employees.

AOL IM: BenK911
ICQ # 53788523
"Gun Control Is Being Able To Hit Your Target"
Though I initially thought that it was user error, or unfamiliarity with this manufacturer, or the newness of the pistol, having the two guns together allowed me to compare the workings of the slide lock. It is not merely stiff, it is impossible to depress the one when a magazine (even empty) is inserted. The angle is different, one being bent closer, and not allowing enough give to disengage. And while I could just 'pull the slide back and let it go' as suggested, this is a brand new gun, never fired, and I want it to work correctly considering the amount it cost! Am returning it to the dealer today, and hope to have as good service as has been reported.

Ben: SWF old enough to be your, well, older sister ;)
OK Sig owners, grab your poppers, I'm confused. After Mr. Welch posted this topic, I had a friend call to say that his Sig had been fixed. Here is where I am confused. ALL the Sig that I have seen, including my own, has a lever inside that detect whether there is ammunition in the mag or not. Seen this lever (or bar) in front of the magazine and in the rear. My P220 has it in the rear. Now, this friend of mine had a problem with the side release, it would not not hold the side back after the final shot was fired. I've seen this before. Looked at the lever and it was getting hung up on the side of the magazine. I do not like messing with new pistol, so I told him to call Sig and send it back. Now, he got it back. Sig told him that they just adjusted it. That was total BS, I worked worked on it before it left, it had the lever and now it does not. It has a completely new slide release mechanism, completely re-engineered. This is the second time I have seen this happen. Anyone have the inside scoop?

BTW: The gun is now like mine and other I have used, slide release is hard (will not work) without ammunition in the magazine.

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