slide jamming 24/7 taurus


New member
my son's 24/7 was brought to me with the slide jammed in the fire position.
i checked if the manual safety lock out was engaged. no the key locked and unlocked the lock out as it should.
i racked the slide with brute force and it slowly inched rearward about 1/3 of the travel then stopped.
using a small brass drift and hammer i lightly tapped the front of the slide till it locked in the rearward position.
diassembled for inspection , found nothing broken. not unusally dirty either.
did a light clean and function checked ...seemed ok though son says when rapid firing it jamms after the 12th rd yet fires ok if doing steady slow fire.
i have experienced on striker fired weapons that if the guide rod becomes unseated during reassembly this type of jamming will occurr though i did not find this situation. any ideas? thanks