Slick Willie on the Rez


New member
As you all may or may not have heard our beloved pres is touring impoverished areas of the country. On Wed. he was at the Pine Ridge Reservation in S. Dakota. This has got to be about the worst place to live in the entire U.S. Lots of bad things happening there, extreme poverty, unemployment, alcoholism, etc. Last month a severe storm wiped out a bunch of the shacks they call home. Two weeks ago there was a small riot in Whiteclay, Neb (2 miles from the rez), and another demonstration last weekend led mainly by Some of the more famous AIM leaders from the 70's, protestesting a couple of unsolved murders, and that the people of Whiteclay (pop. 25) are selling alcohol (4 million cans a year) to the Sioux from the rez. The Sioux claim that they actually should own the land that the town is on, based on two treaties dating back to the 1860's. Anyway Clinton tours the area, and is appropiately appalled at the living conditions. He makes a bunch of promises for economic development, water projects, and housing. Fine and dandy.
My questions are, would you want to be involved in a housing development with this guy? These Native Americans feel they have been lied to, cheated, and just plain screwd before, how are they going to feel after Slick Willie is through with them? With all the promises he made about the only thing he didn't do is smoke a peace pipe with them, but even if he did it wouldn't have counted because we all know he doesn't inhale.
Let's see, Slick Willie and housing...let me think now... Okay, here's the first two thoughts off the top of my head:


Random weapons sweeps in housing projects in Chicago

Anything else I may have forgotten?

Having been to Pine Ridge, visiting Wounded Knee in Oct. 97, the conditions are pretty appalling. If anyone else has a reason to start American Revolution II, it would be those subjugated to reservations.

CMOS is probably right, but after being lied to by the federal grubmint so many times, they, of all people, should know better.
Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.

[This message has been edited by DonL (edited July 08, 1999).]
Had I been an Indian there I would be pissed, because here I am wearing my weekly change of clothes smelling like month old road kill. And here comes billy slick willy wearing his 1000$ suits and 10,000$ Rolex come to shake my hand. It's a wonder he didn't slum down for his little trip.

But then again he is one of the Elite he always has to remind people that he is better than them, or at least he thinks so

"Are we at last brought to such an humiliating and debasing degradation that we cannot be trusted with arms for our own defense? Where is the difference between having our arms under our own possession and under our own direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?"
- Patrick Henry
Indians have the opportunity to receive federally financed educational grants and small business loans to improve their own condition. In the 1990's they have the same opportunities available to everyone else.

The issue is self-reliance. No one says that they have to live on the reservation and drink the firewater. This is just another example of a Welfare State Mentality.

By the way, the single largest contributors to the Democratic National Committee and Clinton are from various Indian Tribes.
This just brings to mind an incident in Tucson, AZ. When Slick was here he promised a young girl that he would help her get a kidney transplant I think it was. Once he left, nothing ever happened and the girl and her mother were deported back to Mexico because their Visas expired. They were poor and cannot afford the operation so the child will most likely die. So much, "For the children" crap, huh?