Slick Willie & Bugs

In another forum I regularly visit, Clinton and his supporters are considered "Statist", which is a polite--and accurate--term for Fascist. That is, government power is by-definition "Good", in all instances. With Fascism, you own your private property and pay taxes on it, but the government tells you what you can or cannot do.

Clinton's crowd is so sincerely convinced of their "rightness" that they truly do not understand why there is opposition from folks like us. Since they _know_ they're correct, opponents must be stupid or evil.

So, if you are absolutely convinced you are right, your opponents must be absolutely wrong in opposing you--they have no argument worth listening to. If the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the Congress are in the way of achieving your goals, use the power of the Executive Order. And press releases and spin, regardless of fact. When you are as morally correct and compassionate as the Clintonistas, the ends justify the means. (Sorry about the old cliche.)

Enough. I've been in this so much I'm about to throw up.

Anybody is welcome to correct me if I'm wrong.

Best regards, Art
Art...I can't correct you :)

I watched the state of the union address and when thru periods of insane laughter, then tears then nausea.

Clinton has re-invented the wheel and claims credit for the original.
A novel and revolutionary idea....don't promote kids to higher grades if they didn't learn what they were supposed to!!! I wanna know when they started it in the first place. Now the Pres sez its wrong and he is applauded as if he were a Socrates or Einstein.

Everything else he said is a prelude to robbing my bank account.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"