Slick lube cut method


New member

Uses a pencil (!) to cut bullets from frozen lube...

And the tray trick. I will have to try this, it might work well for my bevel base castings leaving more of the lube off the base.

This looked clever enough to be worthy of sharing for those who haven't seen this process. Very different from anything in my books, and looks effective.
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Nice idea. I'd like to find some of those rubber pans. I have a lubrisizer now and don't see myself going back to pan lubing but it is a slick way of doing it.
I've done a lot of pan lubing.

The method in the video works with some lubes, and completely fails with others.
Hard lubes, in particular, won't work for that type of pan lubing. The lube cake will flex and pull the lube from the grooves, before the bullet 'cuts' through it.
And, super-soft lubes (like SPG) will pull chunks of the lube cake out, stuck to the bullets. (You're almost better off just smearing it into the grooves by hand.)

It's like everything else in the lube world...
What works for me might fail abysmally for you. And, what works for you, might be a complete waste of time for me.
All of the variables have to match, and that rarely happens.

This is the conclusion I came to before trying it. I was concerned that the lube groove would not keep enough lube in it also. I REALLY like the shell holder flip-over trick though.

I just posted up what I think is a better way to do it. Pretty conventional method, but a tool to make it way (WAY) faster. Assuming it works, that is.