
roy reali

New member
I was watching one of the politcal talk shows. Their guest was Dick Morris. He said that McCain seems to be sleepwalking through this campaign. He listed a half dozen important issues that he should be hammering Obama on but is not.

I agree with Morris on this. Whenever I hear McCain talking he does sound as though he lacks any enthusiam. If I had to listen to him talk for more then ten minutes I would need a double shot mocha espresso to remain awake.

Do you think this is his style? Is his age a factor? I don't mean the age thing as a put-down, age is not a factor in my voting decision, however it can be for others. Something don't seem right here!

Is this the best our candidate is going to do? If so, send a thank you note to Justice Anthony Kennedy.
Wouldn't it be cool if he chose John Kerry for a veep? Then They would become the official most lackadaisical, bored white house ever. Like someone could call them soft-ass 'Nam vets and they would just take it with a yawn? That would be something to see, I tell you what.

Whatever, not too many people care anymore who is the president it seems. Look at the last 8 years! They get picked by whoever, then get backed by some superdelagates and win the primaries, people vote for whoever is in "their" party and wow, we get a new prez and the same ol' story.
There's nothing that Mr. McCain can do that is "right" in the eyes of 90% of the press. They'd love to have him break his cool and start foaming at the mouth making an idiot of himself. (Of course they ignore such behavior if done by a Democrat, in fact they like Democrats who can stir up a crowd.) IMHO he's calmly taking aim to do what is needed to win without wasting rhetorical ammo.

Maybe you are right, he is taking the cool and calm approach. But if he was any cooler he would need the services of Dr. G.