Sleeping Beauty Syndrome


New member
Having young children, I don't know how many times I have watched the movie, "Sleeping Beauty." And finally I noticed that the HCI philosophy was present in this story.

When the princess Aurora is born and the three fairies are blessing the child, the wicked scorceress, Malificent, enters uninvited and bestows her gift upon the child.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Before the sun sets on her 16th birthday, she shall prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die.[/quote]

After she leaves, the king duly concerned for his daughter's safety had all spinning wheels banned and burned in the kingdom. Of course, the king knew that such an action would be ineffective, but he just had to do something! Burning the spinning wheels was the easiest thing to do, and the most visible, and also the most short-sighted. It created a black market for the "evil" object, clothing imports increased, and because of imposed tarrifs they cost more than those clothes that used to be produced "in kingdom". Because of the increased cost of cloth, clothing, and tailoring the lifestyles of the subjects decreased. With lifestyle decrease came added preaures to maintain. Many got second jobs, sent their wives to work and their kids to daycare. Honest men started to lie and cheat. Many turned to crime.

Educating Aurora about spinning wheels and their spindles, would have been the wiser, longer term solution, but then the subjects would have complained that there was nothing being done to protect the princess, and the king's popularity polls would have fallen.

However, as we know, Malificent, who did not care for the law ( :D) somehow (HORROR) got herself a spinning wheel and at the appointed time caused that Aurora should prick her finger on its spindle. All because the kingdom was declared a "spinning wheel spindle-free zone".

This story was brought to you by, Stream of Typing Philosophy, Inc.

"The best defense against ignorance, is education."


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
What kills me is the utter arrogance. "This time it will worK", "This time we are different"
Modern humans are better educated, more sophisticated, more technologically advanced......BUT we are still ducks and that ain't gonna change.

(walks like a duck, squawks like a duck.....etc ;))

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Just saw this on CNN:

"In an apparent copycat incident similar to the Princess Aurora story we have been following, a small man has just been arrested after using an assault spinning wheel to commit a felony. When asked for comments, his neighbors said, "We never would have believed this could happen in our neighborhood. Rumplestiltskin was always kind to our children. But like we always said 'When spinning wheels are outlawed, only outlaws will have spinning wheels.'"
Insanity has been defined as doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited May 07, 1999).]
By that definition, I am insane. I do the same thing (shooting at a target) but expect to get different results (more hits, fewer misses) over time. ;-)
That explains it!

I watched the movie, "The Cowboys", a dozen times and John Wayne got killed every time. I kept wondering when he was going to figure out that they were going to kill him and defend himself.