

New member
Well, for the first time in a long time, I've been skunked on opening day of firearms season here in the southern zone of New York. Well, at least, unless something walks around in my back yard before the end of shootable light, but I doubt that'll happen.

Who else got skunked today?
I took a new hunter out today, we are in the second Saturday of gun season here in Kentucky, and he was shut out today. He didn't even see a deer while I saw a couple of does.

I took a nice 10 pointer on opening day last week but now I'm trying hard to help him get his first deer. I had high hopes for today but it wasn't to be.
Me too.....

Well, I was shut out due to the inability of the deer to find me. My, buddy and I hunt a nice farm that borders a medium sized river. Fortunately, I have taken a doe and a seven point with my crossbow during the archery season because I had no chance opening morning. The farm owner let a bunch of his relatives hunt.....his right he owns it. I had a guy east of me 150 yards away, another 150 yards to the south of me on the river bottom and a third 180 yards to the west of short, they had me surrounded. The only way for the deer to get to me was to cross the road a quarter of a mile away and come down the fence line. Which they didn't.
Skunked >Not yet!!

I was hunting for 12 days out of a 16 day season in Northern MN with my 270. Nothing seen, heard, or smelled. But I didn't come back empty handed. Son harvested a nice size nubbin buck third day into our season. Since he registered his deer and I didn't see one. (each hunter is allowed to take only one deer this year in the zone we hunt) I now get to go B/P hunting for another 7-10 days here in Northern MN again. Wife is just tickled -:( concerning my departure the weekend after turkey day. No down side this year. Gee life's great!!_:D

Other than those d@mm Grey Wolves howling all night long._:mad: No snow, warm weather, pretty much shuts the hunting down up there by the MN border w/Canada. Those who got their deer in St. Louis county are very lucky this year. For me it ain't over till that Fat Lady sings and she's not even warming up yet._;) To be honest I prefer B/P hunting better. More of a challenge for me to "make meat" as they say._:)
Good luck Sureshot!
I will be look'in to make meat next week also!
i prefer Smoke Pole season too. :)
As for skunked, ? well I have been but i am much more careful how I open that little bottle and where I store it. ;)
I saw two that I could've taken a shot at, one doe and one buck, but let'em walk. They were both a little farther than I'm comfortable with and didn't present good shots.
Misunderstanding: Saw the thread title, and thought somebody had been sprayed while hunting. Guess that will be a different thread...
Well except for the really nice buck that crossed the road when I was on my way home from work the other day, haven't even seen a deer and the regular firearms season ended today. Fortunately we have a 10 day anterless season starting tomorrow and perhaps my luck will change:)
Still haven't filled any tags. Hoping to get out this afternoon while everyone else is in a turkey coma.

I'm really confused as to why I'm not seeing deer. I'm set up on the edge of a cut corn field next to a pond with LOTS of sign.

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Not skunked any more! Walked out in my back field just before sunset last night, after seeing 8 does and a spike buck in my neighbor's field, just to see if there were and feeding in the back corner that I can't see from the house. I didn't even take my shooting sticks because I was sure that with nine deer next door, there wouldn't be anything there.

Sure enough, 155 yards away stood three nice does. They didn't see me so I creeped about 30 yards along the edge of the field to a branch I could use as a rest. I didn't have a shot on the biggest doe in the group but I took this beauty at 125 yards with my Savage 220F with a 250gr Hornady SST.

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