sks wont eject shells


New member
hello all,

i bought a yugo 59/66 sks yesterday and i took it out to shoot it for the first time today and after i shot a round the gun didnt automatically eject the bullet and reload the next one i had to manually pull the bolt back. any ideas on what the problem could be?
Gas valve is either closed or leaking. Push the botton on the gas valve and move it to the right so it isn't in line with the sights. If the gas valve is leaking, install a new one. Newly manufactured gas valves can be found on eBay for $20.
I don't know a whole tonne about these guns but I do have 3 of them... 2 used and one new. is yours new? if not it could very well be the gas tube is either worn out of fouled.... have you checked the gas tube yet? Also I have read about a quick fix for the gas tube by using a small paper clip. Jeff.
Also check your ammo. I had the same problem and it turned out to be the ammo that I got from a friend. It was some German training ammo w/the Plastic projectile. There isn't enough powder for the Yugo's bolt to slide fully to the rear.
There are 2 positions for the gas valve, one for "normal" and one for grenade launching. If its in the normal position, you can't raise up the grenade site. I'd bet anything that its in the "grenade" position. (It a small knob up by the muzzle, right next to the grenade sights.)
thanks guys, i havent shot it yet again today but i was able to raise the grenade sight so thats probably what the problem waas. ill let you know when i shoot it again if it works.
Click the link and go a little past half way down the page. There is a picture that explains how the gas shutoff valve works.

After reading the article and examining the picture, click the "SKS carbine" link on the left side of the page and go through all the other SKS articles. They tell you how to disassemble and clean your SKS. There is also an explanation of how to replace the gas valve.