SKS use during civil break downs

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I read an article titled "New Orleans P.D. Vs. Katrina". The article noted the many N.O. police officers which used their personal boats, rifles etc. Does anyone know of any justified SKS use during the Katrina civil break down? I rely on my SKS for that reason, I want to know I made the right choice.
you didnt make the wrong choice if thats what you wanted to hear. however, there are so many right choices for this that to say yours was THE right one is a long shot. i hope you stuck with the normal mag on it tho, the big ones are in my opinion a hinderance on this rifle.
Depends on the scenario. What are you defending against? Snakes? Rats? Feral animals? Predators? Humans? Armed Humans? Armed and armored humans? Or a combination of two or more?

In a wet area, a stainless weapon would be less maintenance intensive. Depending on range, a stainless 12 ga. could handle just about all of that. Asd the attackers become larger, or more numerous, or better armed and trained, the necessary choice of weaponry also elevates.:confused:
Is this a SHTF type thread? Sorta? Kinda? Maybe?

I do know that it is neither Legal or Political in nature.

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