SKS Trigger Group Reinstall

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New member
I'm having a hard time getting the trigger group to latch back in my Yugo SKS. All the instructions I've read makes it sound pretty straightforward. No matter how hard I "slap" the trigger guard down into the little catch, it never seems to grab it. I can clamp it down as far as it goes and it still lacks a little space before anything is going to seat. I suspect these guns were designed to be field stripped by folks who can't even read an instruction manual. What am I doing wrong? Thanks for any help.
make 100percent sure safety is on. i had the same problem and relised i accidently had put the safety in the off position. just somethin to try.
I actually disassembled/reassembled mine for the first time last night. Got it Saturday. Like previously said, make sure the safety is ON. It takes more than a "slap". I had to push pretty hard to get it mine in.

Here's a tip that I didn't do: Make sure the firing pin/ firing pin channel is clean. Mine had a little cosmoline in the channel and to my surprise it was fully automatic! After a good cleaning (and switching to surplus ammo) it shot fine.
Make sure the safety is on, and that the forward lugs are properly engages in the mag well / lower receiver. Then.... smack it hard, until it clicks.
Thanks all for responses

I decided to give it one more "go" last night and was successful with a wood clamp (padded) around the trigger guard and reciever cover. A little finessing with a pin punch around that little release tab did wonders after that.
Thank you one and all for your good advice. I just converted it over to 20 rd. Tapco mags. Tomorrow will tell if I did a good job on that. I know lots of SKS shooters prefer the stock 10 rd. internal mag, but I thought I'd give it a go.
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