sks stripper clips

Do stripper clips improve loading times or not?

It depends. I find it's easier to change mags, but others prefer clips.
Stripper clips improve loading by a factor of 10. That is, 10 rounds can be loaded by one push of the thumb. :)

"Lead, follow or get the HELL out of the way."
The SKS clips take a little getting used to, but they do speed up reloading considerably.
This is how the rifle was intended to be loaded.

A buddy and I had a race to see who was faster. Me with the stripper clips or him with the mag. I won but his mag held alot more rounds. I have a 20 round attatched mag and love it.
I found stripper clips to be a marked improvement. Frankly, the detachables are a pain compared to mags that are built for the purpose, like ar15 or ak.
Stripper clips are easy to use. you just need to practice a little. If you buy any try to get the real deal surplus ones not new after market. I don't know why but they work much better and can even be bought for less at the right gun show.