SKS Recoil Buffer


New member
Hey guys, do any of you have a recoil buffer in you SKS? If so do they work well and stay put? My Russian could def. use one. I got the rifle already modified with a ridiculous dragunov lookin stock and a scope mount receiver cover. So I need to locate an original type cover before putting in a buffer maybe? I duracoated the rifle and sat it in T6 stock. I like it ok I guess, not really fond of the 20 round Tapco mags. I may go back to a standard attached 10 round mag. It's a fun tinker rifle. Or there is a company that has a kit to convert to AR mags. If I would have gotten the rifle in stock trim it would still be that way. OK I'll quit rambling now.
sks buffer

D S; I've tried the commercial buffers and made some myself from blown-out inner tubes cut to fit the rear of the bolt cover. Four layers reduce the felt recoil to practically zero. Cheap too!
I picked up a saddle mount for a Rem. 870 (20 Ga.) to mount on the receiver of the SKS ( you have to drill and tap the sides of the receiver and grind flush the screws on the inside with a dremel tool) and you eliminate any scope / bolt cover movement and sighting-in problems you will have due to loose fitting with the bolt cover-mounted scope. I've already modified the bolt rails to allow after-market mag changes without having to lock the bolt to the rear. thereby keeping the chamber loaded....Over 1200 rds. fired w/o any failures to feed or extract. Simple... but tedious.

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SKS buffer

D.S. Not up to par on posting pics yet on this thing, but when I get everything finished I"ll P M you and send some to you for your reference.
Just out of hospital with Heart Attack and not fully up to par. 67 yrs. old and 20 yrs. w/ Uncle Sam have taken their toll. It just took 24 yrs. to catch up with me. Got the message to take it easy. The STORM was hell.
It was already like that when I got it and absent of many stock parts. So try READING the Original post before you want to trash someone. And last I checked the rifle BELONGS TO ME and I spend MY money on it. So I can do what I want to it. Your OPINION is irrelevant in the matter. Good day.
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It was already like that when I got it and absent of many stock parts. So try READING the Original post before you want to trash someone. And last I checked the rifle BELONGS TO ME and I spend MY money on it. So I can do what I want to it. Your OPINION is irrelevant in the matter. Good day.
I can read, at least I'm not retarded.
Acting the way you do I'm surprised you are still a member here. Go troll somewhere else. Again troll, my rifle, my money I'll do what I want with it. Your asinine opinion doesn't matter.
What fact is that? What people do with their property is entirely their business. Others telling them what to do with it, is an OPINION there is no FACT. With that said, I'm a C&R purist mostly. I don't cut up curios, I mainly leave them as they are. But this rifle was different, it had already been changed, original stock, bayonet, receiver cover, and factory magazine all were missing. It was cheaper for me to buy a Tapco stock than an original Russian stock. Trust me I would NEVER change a original complete Russian SKS.
sks recoil

WOUND.... The recoil isn't much...granted; but it is enough to mess up the scope when it is mounted on the bolt cover. The metal-to-metal contact between the bolt and recoil spring against the rear of the bolt cover jars the cover so much, that it wrecks the rivets which attach the mounts, and scope, to the cover and subsequently....the scope itself.(some mounts are welded to the covers, but it doesn't change the situation). At the very least, the jarring to the scope messes up the zero. This, I know from experience with 6 different SKSs. After the rubber buffers were installed there was MINIMAL-to ZERO problems with the scopes, just whatever slop there is with the way the cover is fitted to the receiver.
But.....I guess not everyone is as knowledgeable about guns and fixing those problems as are you.

SLAYER....We'll get things sorted out and send you some pics. I'm new to this computer & forum stuff so I don't know how to send everything just yet. but I'll keep you in mind when I have it all sorted out.
If I might ask, why do you think your rifle needs a recoil buffer? These rifles tend to hold up well without. While it might be fallacious to argue that if it needed a buffer it would have been designed / made that way by the factory, the fact that this rifle had been produced by a multitude of nations over many decades and not one original manufacturer saw it as a necessity seems to suggest it's just plain unneeded. At best you're likely wasting a few bucks and at worst you're compromising the reliability of your rifle.
Raftman, when firing the rifle I can hear the recoil spring g slapping around in there. The recoil of 7.62x39 doesn't bother me at all, I just figured a buffer would smooth it out a little. It's reliable though, and runs like a clock.