sks mags?


I was searchin around the net for some good sks mags and came across Hitech rifletech ? they sell a 37 rd detachable mag with an adapter to get rid of the bulky forward extemtion im wondering has anyone tried these and are they worth the money ...i also noticed they are having a 20% off sale for a month or so so any timely response would be apreciated

so please anyone with some experience with sks mags help...
i ordered 3 high capacity Hitech mags and they worked perfect in my
yugo rifle! no duckbill sticking out and the adapter fit perfect took all
of 10 minutes to install i just followed the video instructions
they sent me with the
mags piece of cake i guess they are for those that want a cadilac not a toyota...
im selling my stock mag to the highest bidder as soon as possible
i go to the range now with a 100 rounds loaded in three mags > shoot
them all and twenty minutes later > scoot!

i hate reloading when its cold and the hitech mags are working perfect
michigan at 10 below saves me all that time reloading and my fingers
are still warm when I get back to my car If that's not "particularly
suitable for or readily adaptable to sporting purposes" i don't know
what is!