SKS for $150 ? and magazine/stripper clip options


New member
My neighbor has a couple of SKS's for sale for $150.00 each. He will go out shooting with me to see which one is the best.
My questions are
1. is $150 a fair price? (they look kinda ugly but he says they shoot good)
2. they both are the type that takes stripper clips (10 rounds?) loaded from the top...can I mechanically and legally convert them to take magazines that feed from the bottom?
$150 sounds pretty good at this point in the game. They're all ugly, but then again, all Soviet designs are ugly!

It is physically possible to install a detachable mag, but you might get into some legal problems, depending on where you live. Personally, I'd stick with the 10 rnd stripper clips and the fixed mag.
Nowadays, $150 is a good price for an SKS. Use to be able to pick them up for less than $100, but was years ago.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
A friend of mine and I were at a gun show just today. SKS's there ran $250 up to $400 for Russian samples. We regretted the days years ago that we didn't buy a trunkload of those ugly little buggers at $79 apiece.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
Yes, nail that SKS for $150.00 The Chinese SKS is going for even more now at the gun shows. I picked up a mint Russian SKS last fall from a guy walking around a show because a stupid dealer offered him only $150.00 for it. The guy only wanted $175.00 for itand I was glad to pay it. Russian ones are nicer and prices are soaring on them although havent seen any yet for $400.00! I disagreee that Soviet(Russian) designs are ugly. I find the Garand and M-14which I carried as nice looking firearms, but the M-16 to me is Ugly looking. In my mind, the SKs and AK are much nicer looking weapons than M-16. And, on a different subject, the MIG series and Sukhoi series of fighters are not only nice looking but ,in the hands of Russian pilots,are as good as anything in the West.
mhannah 1:

Yes, I definitely think that you ought to get one of those SKSs. For 150, it's a bargain. Stripper clips can be used just as fast as a ten round magazine, but you do need to practice with them.

You gotta be kidding me. AK looks better than AR? I think AR is the prettiest rifle ever designed, except for FAL. SKS only looks good with the bayonet and AK is an ugly devil because of that stupid curvy 30 rounds mag. I do like the look of AK-74 with muzzle break, however.
