Skin, Gut,ready for freezer in 3 minutes.

Wild Bill Bucks

New member
I watched this a while ago, and I'm sure some of you have already seen it, but I was amazed at how good this guy is at skinning a deer in less than 3 minutes. I'm sure he has done it a thousand times. I am not one for posting much off of you tube, but I thought you guys might be interested.
Geez! I wonder how it would work if the deer were field dressed first like we do it. And I want that guys knife! That thing must be the sharpest knife on this planet.

I've seen one where they do the legs and then tie the hide to a rope and pull it off with a vehicle. This guys way faster then that!

They should show a video of me doing it for comparison. Maybe an hour... :D
So, he prepped the deer with air, and unless he freezes whole deer, she ain't ready for freezing. I'm throwing a BS flag. :p

It does however point out some things that I should have done differently the other day regarding skinning. I'll try to remember his order of operations for next time.
cheater!!!! my record is 5 minutes on a hanging deer(still warm) with nothing but a knife and complete quartering, backstrap and tenderloin removal in 30 minutes. granted I had 3 very sharp knives prestaged and swapped every time it got tough... my mom who's been butchering animals her whole life was quite impressed. first time we butchered a whole deer in 4 hours.
I've watched the videos where they use air to get the skin off... I can skin a deer MUCH faster than it takes them to do all that work. It's the gutting that takes forever.

The guy in this video though, doing the whole thing, impressive.
The legs were pre-cut too, he broke them off without even sawing. And I agree, most people don't freeze whole deer so it's nowhere near ready for the freezer.
The legs were pre-cut too, he broke them off without even sawing. And I agree, most people don't freeze whole deer so it's nowhere near ready for the freezer.

That's possible but they'll snap like that with just a stroke from a super sharp saw.... My dad just whacks the leg bone with his knife and snaps them off. Doesn't take a full second.
That's possible but they'll snap like that with just a stroke from a super sharp saw.... My dad just whacks the leg bone with his knife and snaps them off. Doesn't take a full second.

Well I'll try and remember to give that a try. Just cut the tendon at the knuckle and bust it? Admittedly I'm more used to elk legs which are much bigger.
Pretty much. Grab the leg near the foot, put some torque on it, like your trying to bend the bone, give it a good whack. Snaps right off. You'll probably have a feel for where your torque is putting the most stress on the bone. Whack it there. Now, you need a real knife, not a pocket knife, but it doesn't have to be huge. My dad uses a 4 or 6" Cutco.
Last year opening day saw 23 deer killed and hung up in the barn. Eddy, did all of them by himself saving the hearts and kidneys etc. He did a skin/gut and removed the tenders inside the cavity in about that time. Uses a steel to keep the blade sharp. His dad and I sipped shnops and watched him work. Was amazing to see him do the deer so fast. Took my 3 home and de boned them in a day, then sausage, steaks and the famous jerky I make.

This year we have a few more land owner tags to fill, kinda like them gator hunters but as many as we kill, there are two more for everyone in the spring.

Turkeys are also becoming pests here, roost up in the trees over yer truck, best wash it in the morning it will be covered in turkey poo.
Pretty much. Grab the leg near the foot, put some torque on it, like your trying to bend the bone, give it a good whack. Snaps right off. You'll probably have a feel for where your torque is putting the most stress on the bone. Whack it there. Now, you need a real knife, not a pocket knife, but it doesn't have to be huge. My dad uses a 4 or 6" Cutco.

we always did that but backwards. we'd snap it off then cut the tendon holding it all together.
Suppose there are many ways to quickly remove legs, this is how farm boys do it. Tool is for de-horning cattle....shears legs off like a cigar trimmer, instantly.
