Skeet-almost too much fun!


New member
I shot skeet at the local small-town range couple nights ago for the 2nd time in my life. Had an absolute great time! Used my new Beretta 390 Sport that I bought last week just for this crazy game.
1st time out it was the range master and me. no one else showed up that night so I got what amounted to a private lesson for 90 min. Cost? 6 bucks plus my own shells. He's been shooting comp trap mostly, some skeet and s.clays for 30 years and was great at spotting my faults and helping correct them. I didn't do too bad either (didn't keep score- concentrated on technique and learning the drill).
2nd time there was 3 of us. Still got skeet lesson part 2. Stiff and variable crosswind meant the high house birds were slowing down- low house birds were speeding up and dipping at times with gusting wind. I broke 21 and 21 out of 50 shooting a new shotgun.
Then at the RMs suggestion we decide to shoot what he called "crazy doubles". Some kind of wild practice he invented? We shot doubles only- no singles. 1st time the proper way followed immediately by another pair which you shoot in reverse order. ie L-R, R-L with 4 shells in the tube. Fast and Fun! Much more of this and I will either be awesome or crosseyed!
Liked it so much I ordered 4 cases of shells. I've never shot sporting clays but I think I'll be trying it soon.
I'm extremely happy with my new 390 and I'm grateful to whoever it was on this board that recomended I look for one. How lucky can I be? $6 for 50 birds and almost private shooting lessons.
And another poor, innocent shotgunner falls into the morass of clay games(G)...

Enjoy that 390, I've arrived at the conclusion that the Pizza guns might just be the best autos around...
1st time I shot a 20g. Maybe some day I'll need to humble myself further by shooting smaller guage.
I considered reloading but I did the math and I come up with a cost savings of about $1/ box. Not enough for me to spend the time with my old 600jr and not enough to justify investing in a Dillon progressive...yet.