Sizing Question

Hi all,
I'm casting LBT .44 cal. I ordered my mold at .432" (as per Veral's instructions) which is my cylinder throat diameter. The muzzle on my Ruger SBH measures about .4305-.431". I can't find a sizer at .432".Would it be an issue to size at .431" or would that cause a leading problem? Thanks
Would be to small in my mind.

What are your cast bullets coming out at? Good chance you dont even need to size.

My 44 shoots fantastic with out sizing.
Short of casting them ridiculously hard I'd shoot a few first. I bet they shoot great. Your forcing cone will take care of any over size or out of round issues.

If they dont shoot well you could always buy a 431 sizer and lap it out to 432 with some lapping compound.
I'm late to this post but I would like to add, just because a bullet sizing die is marked say .410 or .413 don't take it literally at face value.
My Lyman H die marked .410 sizes them to .41175...rounded off = .412
My Lyman H die marked .413 sizes them to .41245 ...rounded off =.412

I wanted a .412 size and both dies which should have had a difference of .003 in real life have a difference of .0007...that's not much of a difference at all.
All of this was to say measure them before doing anything...and slug the throats and bores because it's like a box of don't know what you're going to get.
Ok so I cast 70 bullets. Weight was nearly perfect...260gr mold and they all weighed in at 260.2gr....BUT.... LBT made me a .432" mold (which I asked for) and all 70 bullets came out between .437"-.438". The only thing Veral told me was to grip it tighter. So I tried again and 60 more came out between .433"-.435".
Do you have an idea what temp the alloy your pouring is running??

Casting can be a trial and effort thing. Molds are usually happy in a certain temp range. Heating up or cooling down the alloy does give different sizes of bullets. Try heating it up to around 725-750 and see what size they drop. Might also just try casting faster till you just start to see frosty bullets.

Hope that helps.
The bullets that look the best (nice sharp edges,dead flat base,etc) were the largest at .435"-.4355" and I can't size them. I really don't know what's going but I guess I'll melt it all down and keep trying.
No I haven't loaded any as they are .003" too big to go through the sizer. My throats measure .432" so .001"-.0015 " would be ok to size but not .003".
Thats what Im saying. Load a bullet into a case, put it in the cylinder, if it fits without issue they do not need to be sized.
Are you lubing these bullets? .003 should be easy to size - I'm not sure why you would think otherwise. Over .004 becomes a problem. .002 is about perfect.

If the loaded rounds fit into the cylinder, using them as is shouldn't cause any problems. Although it is generally thought that a consistent size does help with accuracy.