Sizing press bang for the buck....


New member
I started doing some casting, and I would like to get a sizing press. I would like to get the best "bang for the buck." What do you recommend for a single stage press to be used to size bullets? I load on a Dillon 650, if that matters. Never had a single stage.

Thanks in advance.

It`s a toss up between what color ya like & how deep ya pockets are !

Really though the RCBS & Lyman are basically the same & dies/top punches interchange.

If ya shoot alot of 1 type bullet then for more money you have the Star ,it`s more money but once ya have it set up IT`S TWICE AS FAST since you handle the bullet one time .

For lube needs there`s only 1 place to go ,White Label Lubes , ya can`t beat the price or performance of Glenn`s lubes !!
On the other hand, I use a Lee sizing kit in my standard reloading press. Works great, no problems, easy-peasy. I don't use stick lubes anymore, simply tumble everything.
I'm with Vance. My 4500 has served me well, although I have to admit that lately, the only thing that I size is .357.
I use the same method as PawPaw. So far it seems to work out just fine. I do 44 mag LSWC plinkers at 800fps and 270 RNFPs and 1,200 fps. I have also shot that same bullet out of a 444 at 2,100fps. I also shoot 45 cal and 45-70 the same way. So far it has gone very well. The lee sizers work very well and they even seat your gas checks. At $20.00 a piece that's pretty good.
For boolits with deep lube grooves I use a 4500 and SPG. For my TL boolits I like the Lee and LLA until the freebees that come with the dies run out, then I may use the White Label stuff. Lee setup is hard to beat for the $ if you have a single stage press, not sure what it would take to use it on your 650. Pretty sure an extra toolhead and some imagination with the shellplate could make it work.
Well, I have Lyman #45, 450 and 4500 luber/sizers. The #45 has been converted to size a long (Lyman #311284)bullet nose first as sizing it in the converntional manner causes then to bend and ae thus ruined. I use it ti size the bullet but not lube, Then I use the 450 to lube using a die .001" larger than what the bullet was sized. So I size that 220 gr. Lyman bullet to .310" and lube with a .311" die.
FWIW, when I plan on heat treating a bullet, I size it to what I want first then treat and quench. The bullets are then lubed in a die .001" larger that what I sized the bullet too.
Some say sizing ahquenched bullet kills the hardening process. Some say I doesn't. I'm inclined to go with the former.
On bullet lube, it seems to me that they all work quite well. Probably the NRA fformula is one of the best but it's a bit messy and the smell isn't aall that pleasant. Not bad butI don't care fot it. I still use that lube though because it works. Some other good ones are the LBT Blue, I've used the soft version and Lyman's magic Orange. Felix lube is good stuff but you have to make it yourself. You can do a search on Cast Boolits for the recipe. Even the softer lubes require a heater for the luber/sizer when the temp gets down to about 70 degrees. A spare threaded rod for the tool is mighty handy to have on hand should you break one and believe me, you will if you cast long enough.
Paul B.
Paul B.
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