Situational Awareness Success Stories


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Guys I'm looking for some stories on how Situational Awareness allowed you to avoid potential danger or prepare sooner to defend yourself from an attack. I'm also looking for SA failures. Let your guard down and got caught good or bad, tell us.

Please lets keep it to the stories and not a debate on the effectivness of SA.

I'll go first.

I was leaving the Walmart near my home through the lawn and garden department. As I exited the store, I scanned left and right very quickly to make sure no one was hiding around the corners. As I took a few more steps out, I looked up and out in front of me toward my truck. I see a shady looking young man (with a hoody on) walking down the middle of the driveway. He wasn't aiming for the store but just walking looking around suspiciously and just following the driveway basically in the middle of the road/driveway. He was in a position that would have me pass him at arms length as I walk to my vehicle. I spotted him a good 75 yards away so I had plenty of time to change my path and did so immediately. I changed my course slightly to the right putting a row of vehicles between him and I. Sure enough as we pass each other, with a car between us because I changed direction slightly, this guy asks me for money. I tell him politely that I don't have any money and keep walking. Now he turns back in the direction he just came from and begins to keep pace with me. He says to me in a nasty tone, what did you say. So I say in a not as friendly tone, I said I don't have any money. He then says next time speak up. I said next time leave me alone. Now he continues to move in the direction he had just come from only not quite as fast as I was moving. I'm near my truck and seeing that I have enough of a gap to cross this guys path, I cut across toward my truck. He is cursing and threatening and making wild gestures with his hands and slowly moving in my direction. I look at him as I cross the driveway and told him to leave me alone and that he is not going to like what happens to him if he continues threatening me. He made the right decision and I made my escape.

What would have happened if I didn't see him in advance and we did indeed pass each other at arms length?

Now for my "I got caught" off guard story.

I was headed to Tarpon Springs for a few hours out on the flats hammering Speckled Trout with my boys. Murphy being the evil monster that he is decides to give me a nice flat tire to get my juices flowing early. I pull into a church parking lot to change the tire on the boat trailer. As my boys stand guard LOL, I begin changing the tire. I'm partially under the boat when the jack slips allowing the boat to come down quickly, slamming into my bald head. Instantly an egg formed on my head and the curse words began to fly. My kids, after discovering that I'm ok, begin to laugh so I send them back to the truck. Now the last thing I'm thinking about is SA. I'm ticked, my head has a heart beat in it, and I have a Fred Flintstone sized egg on top. I get back to the trailer tire completely oblivious to the man walking up behind me. Thankfully he was just asking if I needed help.

If he was a bad guy I was a gonner.
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Coming home from the bank where I worked then, . . . a car was following me, . . . keeping up, . . . but not pushing me.

Turn for turn, . . . right behind me, . . . for several miles, . . . in town.

Finally, . . . I did a hard, quick right, . . . floored it for about a block, . . . did a "U" turn, . . . again floored it (Olds 442 convertible), . . . another hard right, . . . floored it again.

Never saw him again, . . . but I still believe I was somebody's target that night, . . . just glad for SA and a fast car.

May God bless,
look the part....

A few years ago, I worked armed security at a low end chain hotel in a medium size city.
One night around 1000pm/1100pm I saw a 1990s era SUV with 2 young good looking women in the front seats.
I asked if they needed help and the girls explained the SUV broke down & they were waiting for help.
I left but decided to keep a close eye on the vehicle to avoid any events.
A older model sedan filled with a group of schetchy looking young guys rolled by the lot & circled around the women.
The car took off but came back & did it again, this time going slower.
When the sedan got near the SUV, I went out and "showed the flag" ;)
The carload of young guys saw me then quickly pulled away leaving the lot for good.
I had a .38 4" Ruger GPNY on my hip and a few other items. I would wear uniform items & sometimes milspec type gear. BDUs, 5.11 pants, badges, etc.
You don't have to be a DEVGRU SEAL or tactical Ted but when you mean business & stay sharp thugs will move on to a weaker target.
was stopped at light trying to get into a gas station,

in Indianna, had to turn left to roll into the station. Intersection was a "T" and a 6X6, I was on the tree of the "T" and caught off my right a figure approching my vehicle. Double -clicked the door buttons to let the figure know he was spotted and "it" still advanced. Finally, had show the M60 and the figure disappeared. Made the turn and got back on the interstate at next entrance.

Second time was traveling Montana and pulled into state campground to sack out in the vehicle, about 4:30AM, heard a truck engine fire up, sat-up and looked around, pickup was 30 yds up the campground, lights came on and truck 180 around to exit. Pulled next to my vehicle and stopped, with the tinted windows, the driver could only see through the driver/passenger windows,
kept low and reached aound the driver seat and turned on the parking lights to
give me a 360 field of low-level light and I swept that field to see if there was a second person trying to approach, while I was concentrated on the pick-up. Driver finally decide after a minute ( seemed like that, wasn't timing him) to high-tail out.
Had my Ruger SS6, in hand during this episode.
Pax, that story scares me to death when I think of my wife out there running errands unarmed. Glad you were prepared.
I rarely post "this happened to me" accounts, but perhaps these might help others. I wil remain circumspect.

Om one occasion, I noticed a man parked a short distance from the door of a computer store, pointed the wrong way and checking his oil. He wiped and reinserted his dipstick numerous times, while observing people leaving the store with packages.

On another, I saw a man park his car the wrong way outside a grocery store and move it a couple of times until he liked the position. He became very nervous when he saw me glance at him, but I made every effort to appear uninterested. I entered the store very cautiously and saw another man at a checkout register looking out at the man in the car and glancing nervously at the store office.

In both incidents, my obvious and exaggerated gesture of pulling a cell-phone in the clear view of these "suspects" quickly resulted in their hasty departure.

In the second instance, I really had to be ready to do something else, had the need materialized.

A TV program with Massad Ayoob had brought to my attention the fact that a car pointed outwards might represent a warning sign. The wise thing to do would have been to drive away without going into the store at all, and to make a call to the police from a place of safety.

These days, I scan what is going on in every perking lot I enter, and I sometimes circle once before stopping.
Yeah. That was a few years back.

When I got home, at first I couldn't figure out why the guys had turned away. I never said anything, and I never made a motion for the gun. All I did was stand up and look at them. I really could not figure out why they had backed down when I had not done anything at all. I said as much to my husband, and he looked at me like I was an idiot. Then he said, "Yeah, from your point of view you did not do anything. But what were you thinking when you looked at those guys?"

I was thinking about backstops. Apparently it showed on my face.

Posted by pax: I was thinking about backstops. Apparently it showed on my face.
That is precisely what I had in mind in the grocery store. And yes, I think it showed.

My strategy is "always" to go elsewhere and avoid tousle, but I know the people in the store quite well, I had already entered the store albeit probably unwisely, I seemed to be headed for an exception.

Very fortunately, the cell phone did the trick.

By the way, I was so shaken afterwards that I could describe neither the car nor the suspects.
Interesting story and outcome PAX. Like the color codes.

Did have questions as to the incident, How close did they get to you? How much closer before you would have felt the need to at least put your hand on your sidearm?

Seems instinct worked well for you. Glad things turned out well.:)
rarely post "this happened to me" accounts, but perhaps these might help others. I wil remain circumspect.
Hey, it always helps to hear REAL stories of SA and SD. I have seen enough television and made-up stuff; I want real. I am hoping others have stories as well to share here. I do not at this point. But I can tell you one thing for sure: you will act how you trained yourself to act. Almost instinctively. So maybe more important than what equipment we carry is how we prepare and "carry" ourselves.

In all these stories, I am fascinated how attitudes, body movements, and facial expressions of the SA individual have turned situations around. I am not naive enough to believe that it is the only thing needed in a confrontation, but it is a good starting point, aside from being acutely aware of things. I think these stories are showing SA should be the first weapon of choice.

I'm going to withhold some details of these events for personal reasons:

1. I was in a parking lot with my girlfriend and her broken down vintage Mercedes; not a good area of town at 11:00pm. Long story, but I had to replace a burst radiator hose. I did not have a gun. I was very aware of my surroundings and I spotted a man walking toward me almost 75 yards out. He wasn't looking to help. Girlfriend in the car, me with my head under the hood, screwing down a clamp with a long screwdriver. I was finished but needed to put water in the radiator - that could wait. I pretended like I was working on the car, but kept watching...and watching...and watching, until the guy was within range. Then I lunged at him with my long screwdriver, yelling like a mad man, threatening...well, let's just leave it at that. I was lucky, I didn't have to go forward with my threats - he walked off calling me all kinds of nasty things; but he walked off and we were shortly on our way.

2. 9:00p.m. in a Home Depot parking lot. I just bought some supplies to fix a toilet. I saw a thuggish looking car drive around and then park in the parking lot, then it stopped. A guy got out and I could see him just hanging out by the front door of my car. My gun was in the glove box; not on me (dumb, I know). So, I snuck around to the passenger door, quickly unlocked and opened the door and glove box and retrieved my gun, concealing it in my pocket. Turns out the guy was taking a leak next to the driver side door of my car. I said something non-threatening, something like "go ahead and finish" I stayed where where I was at - now at the rear of my car, and let him finish. He left without incident, but I'm pretty sure he knew what I got out of my glove box. Who knows if he was there to do harm or not.

Now, in both of these situations, I was not very well prepared; and in the second one, I sure would have been better off with the gun on me. However, I attribute the avoidance of any violence due to situational awareness - seeing something that might happen, before it happens and preparing the best you can with what you've got.
Posted by Louca: Hey, it always helps to hear REAL stories of SA and SD. I have seen enough television and made-up stuff; I want real.
It is a good idea to refrain from posting accounts of real use of force incidents.

See this.

The relevant parts are as follows:

The ST&T Rules sticky contains the following:

Everyone who posts here or anywhere else on the Internet should understand that such posts are permanent, and they may be subject to discovery in legal proceedings at any time in the future. Should any member ever find himself or herself involved in such proceedings, posts containing comments that could be interpreted unfavorably could prove damaging.

You do not want to publish anything ... where it may be made available to plaintiffs and investigators, that you should more properly tell only to an attorney in confidence in a privileged legal communication.

For those who may not be well versed in the reasons behind this, some additional explanation my be helpful.

First, everyone should understand that if one posts in a public forum on the Internet for anyone in the world with Internet access to read, or when one sends a company email for that matter, one can have no expectation of privacy. Second, electronic postings can be and have been traced back to the originator, authenticated, and used both to facilitate further investigations and as evidence. One's computer may be seized, or subpoenas may be issued to others. Also, investigators can use search engines as well as anyone else.

There are two kinds of situations in which a statement made on the Internet or put in email or posted on one of the various social networks can come back to haunt the originator.

The first involves posts of the "this happened to me" genre. If an incident that could lead to an investigation and/or additional legal proceedings has occurred, anything said about it on the Internet could either be used as evidence or to lead investigators to other facts or information that could be used as evidence that could prove damaging to the originator. For that reason, it is very important to exercise caution in terms of what one posts.

This can apply to either criminal or civil proceedings or both.

It is important to understand that the risks involved may even apply in cases that have not yet been pursued by law enforcement. A statement such as "I drew my gun and told him to get off my property" may be all that is needed to start or provide additional evidence for an investigation that might otherwise have gone nowhere.

In case it is not understood by some, the fact that the investigation of an incident appears to have been "closed" does not mean that the actor is free of risk. A statement by an officer that one "did the right thing", or even a decision by a prosecutor or grand jury to not pursue charges, is not a guarantee against further action. For one thing, new persons may replace others. More importantly, however, new evidence can be brought to light, and a posting here or anywhere on the Internet may just be the thing to make that happen.
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It is a good idea to refrain from posting accounts of real use of force incidents.
Wow. Guess we better not say much about anything for fear it could be used against us somehow. And that would include opinions on situations as well as actual accounts of what happened, since opinions demonstrate a predisposed way of thinking, which can be support for intent. Watch those PMs too, I am sure they are or can be monitored as well. Wow. :eek:

Edit: I DO appreciate your post OldMarksman.

Pax, that story scares me to death when I think of my wife out there running errands unarmed. Glad you were prepared.

Being prepared is great being aware was awesome. Saved both men and a lady from an awful outcome.
As an instructor I hear a ton of SA failures. One failure sticks in my head because it could have been me years ago in my tail chasing days.

Man meets hottie. For the rest of this post I'll call the man John since it has a fitting alternate meaning. John and Hottie decide to visit the Courtney Campbell Causeway Bridge for a window steaming encounter. The hottie, like most young women, was pecking her cell phone to death texting. John pulls onto the Bridge access road that overlooks Tampa Bay. Its pitch black out save for the street lights behind them that are lighting the highway and bridge. The couple talk and joke and after a while begin to get romantic. I'll save the details that I know about this but it was relatively minor stuff at that time. Next thing you know a strange man is tapping on the window with the end of his gun. The masked man racks the slide on his semiauto and demands money and jewelry. John has his own gun just behind his right hip just slipped into his waist band. It is a Hi Point 9mm and the chamber is empty. John thinks about going for his gun but decides to comply because he is at gun point already. He does drag the removal of his very heavy gold bracelet in a hope that something or someone would pull up and spook off the masked man. This delay enrages the masked robber and to show his anger he racks the slide on his pistol. John notices that nothing was ejected as the robber cycled the slide for the second time. John immediately shouts "oh heck no" and draws his own gun, racks the slide and fires one round as the robber spun to flee striking him high on the leg. John attempts to fire more but thankfully for him his firearm malfunctioned. The robber runs off as if not even hit. Police are called, John is a wreck but alive and well. Robber is captured at the hospital and his accomplice, his girl friend and the hottie mentioned above, is arrested the next day at her job. Her text of their location found on the robbers phone.

How many times was that me in Johns position? In the no SA sense I mean LOL. At least he kept his wits about him enough to recognise that the pistol was very likely not loaded.
Louca said:
OldMarksman said:
It is a good idea to refrain from posting accounts of real use of force incidents.
Wow. Guess we better not say much about anything for fear it could be used against us somehow. And that would include opinions on situations as well as actual accounts of what happened, since opinions demonstrate a predisposed way of thinking, which can be support for intent. Watch those PMs too, I am sure they are or can be monitored as well. Wow....
Louca, you may be trying to be facetious, but it is a real issue.

Note, for example, this article headlined "Bay Area prosecutors increasingly using social media posts in criminal cases" from the 16 August 2013 edition of the Contra Costa Times:
PLEASANTON -- A teenage driver originally accused of vehicular manslaughter now faces a murder charge in the death of a bicyclist, partly because prosecutors say he bragged on Twitter about driving dangerously.

His case is part of a growing trend of social media posts being used as evidence against suspects, authorities said Friday.


As suspects feel compelled to post their misdeeds online for audiences to see, investigators have taken advantage, using the online quasi-confessions to bolster their cases, Bay Area prosecutors said.

In San Francisco, a cyclist in March fatally struck a 71-year-old pedestrian in a crosswalk after speeding through three red lights in the Castro District. Chris Bucchere, who eventually pleaded guilty to felony vehicular manslaughter, received a stiffer charge after he posted his explanation of the crash on a cycling group's website....
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Louca, you may be trying to be facetious, but it is a real issue.
Hi Frank,

Yes, I was doing that, and was somewhat serious at the same time. Seriously, I guess when it involves posting here, it comes down to possibly helping others with our stories and possibly putting ourselves in jeopardy in the process.

Still serious, I wonder if we would be better here telling true stories of others SA experiences - not ours. In that way, could we possibly avoid self-incrimination?
