Sisiter 2A Activists, once again time to speak out!


New member
RKBA Defenders,

Not only can you join the 80+ percent who have voted against Hillary on
Mzzzz(informatzia) Ragazine, you can also tell them that being female
and a gunowner is not a contradiction in terms.

I'm not sure if Mzzzzz will accept input from us primitive XY-types, so
Ladies, let 'em have it.

Best regards,

Rick V.

Mzzzz Ragazine wrote:

>"In our last "Tell Us," we asked about guns and feminism. The results?

About 44% of you said you own a firearm or are planning on buying one,
while 50% of you said you have no interest in ever owning a gun.
One-fourth of you approved of existing gun control laws or called for
more restrictions (half of the gun-control-supporters are gun owners
too). Fifteen percent disapproved of gun control (including one
non-gun-owner); the rest of you had no stated opinion on the matter.
Just over one-fifth of you believed that owning a gun is a feminist