Single Shot Rifle Horizontally Stringing


New member
Bought a .22lr single shot bolt action for my kids. Got the elevation right on the scope, but it’s stringing shots left and right no matter how I adjust the windage on the scope. The scope is mounted nice and tight to the receiver. Is there a barrel bedding issue, a defective scope, or possibly something else at play?
does the scope have adjustable paralax? If you dont get your head in the right position, to the right or left, it can throw the shots. how are you resting the gun whole shooting. if using a sling you could be pulling sideways on the gun with it under tenstion.
If you have another scope handy, try that. If it fixes the problem, then it's a scope issue. Tell us more about the rifle; new, old, brand, model, etc.
sounds to me like a parallax issue on the scope and or inconsistent cheekweld. How many brands of ammo have you tried in it? Are you using Midas + or Remington thunderbolt ? lot of causes lots of cures, not always gun related
1-piece stock or 2-piece? It matters.

And from my experience coaching on the firing line, time in service DOES NOT equal shooting proficiency.
The parallax on that scope would be set for 100 or 150 yards. That and not so good ammo can create a lot of problems. If it’s a two piece stock there could be another issue.
Easy, quick, way to see if your scope has parallax is to rest the gun rock solid with the cross hairs on target at 50 or even 25yds. As you're looking through your scope as you always do to shoot (clear, full picture in the glass), pull your head back a little until you get the black shadow ring around the edges of your scope. Now, while you keep the hairs on target, move your head slightly in a circular motion and keep your eye on the target and hairs. If the cross dances around and doesn't stay centered on target, you've got some parallax going on. Hope this might help.