Single barrel, multishooter

Superposed project

I have made some investigation about this system, and its weaknesses.

I think i have found a solution for it, which make it possible to fire the gun in a safe way.

It would be a fun home project to do, since it's a very simple construction, but first i need to do some more investigation about this new concept and get some thoughts about the solution.

So the solution of my idea is basically to use cases.

I belive my ideas below could be refined, even if i havent figured out how yet. So i would need some advices.

This is how the case look like
My idea is to fire it through the muzzle, so there won't be any touch hole which could be problematic for a superposed load.

The case get's ignited through a small hole filled with BP/fast burning fuse that goes between the bullet and the wall of the case.

A fully gasproof case would be even better, like a modern ordinary cartridge, isn't that how the metal storm works?

If im not wrong, it uses 9mm rounds, but fire them through electricity some how.

However, back to my concept, this is the barrel with superposed loads:

Here is the trigger mechanism:

The "flame throwers's" flame have to be able to reach the last round. So basically a big flame lighter (which won't block the muzzle)

The trigger pulled:
Shooting out the bullet:

The case have to fit snugly into the barrel, so there won't be any spark able to go through the outside walls of the case and innerwalls of the barrel, which theoretically could fire of the second case behind. (The spark would also need to get inside the case where the ignition source is, since the case infront will press itself backwards through the pressure when fired, it would make it even more unlikely.)

Since the case also works like a mini cannon where the pressure builds up inside its solids walls, and when it's about to left the case it already got its direction, i believe, so the fire stream and pressure would go straight forward, out of the muzzle.

So how would this system work? And how should it be made? What could be made better?
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I can't see how it could possibly work. If the bullet is inside the casing it would have to be much smaller than bore size making it very inaccurate. Also after the first bullet is fired, wouldn't the empty case be left in the barrel in front of the next round?
No case is involved. It's loaded via power, patch, ball (perhaps a wad atop of the ball for safety) and repeated four more times till all five balls are in the barrel. It's somewhat like a Roman Candle but you have to slide the lock down along the bar until it indexes with the touchhole. It must be reprimed for every shot too.
The best way to design the bullet should be this:
Seen from side:
But it require a special bullet.. And it would make the project much more complicated, without gaining that much.

A ordinary bullet up to 0,5 millimeter to small for the case should be enough to fit a fuse which ignites the main charge. If the bullet fit perfect in the case, a hole for the ignition/fuse has to be made either in the bullet or the case. Since the case should have very thin walls, in order to not make the bore to big, that hole should be made in the bullet. And a ordinary "hole" should not be necessary here, some grinding on the bullet should work well, so there could be a notch as ignition channel. Easy to make if the bullet is made of lead.

Maybe a ordinary hole also could be problematic since pressure would creates inside the bullet, but thats just a though.

So if the bullet would fit in the case, and if the walls of the case is 0,5mm. thick, the bullet would be just 0,5mm to small for the bore.

The empty case has to be removed from the bore, the easiest way should be either a thread (has to be thin, fire proof, and it won't work with the special bullet) attached to the cases, or if the cases is made of carbon steel a magnet, with a strong magnet, maybe it would be enough to just flash it infront of the bore to make the case hooked, dependning on how far away the case is.
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Sorry about that, I was talking about Monday's drawing. There is just no way this could possibly work. Magnets in a steel barrel? , threads, fuses, the casing would expand in the barrel wedging it in place, not a chance.
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Sorry Monday, but you can't have a casing that could become a bore obstruction for the next ball. Remember what happens with bore obstructions?

Remember, the practical metallic case cartridge didn't come out until a few decades after the American Revolution. Fulminate of mercury hadn't been invented yet.
obvious, but good to remember.....

Thinking 'outside the box' is a good thing. That's where all the new concepts are born. But there needs to be an advantage driving the necessity for change. If the new idea doesn't provide a significant improvement over the old way, then change isn't required. And if the new method ( of doing anything) creates new problems or disadvantages, then it won't prove valuable and drive change.

There have been inventors who chased bad ideas for their whole lives because they were facinated with a concept that would not have really made an improvement. They probably should have started on something different.

I feel like electric acceleration of projectiles is next, followed by projectile-less energy weapons. But my favorite would be simulating or cancelling gravitational force without involving mass. How's that for out of ( my mind?) the box? :D

Keep thinking Monday!
New: Single barrel, multishot magazine

It seem like this project would be hard to realize, even if there maybe could be some solutions for it, i think i will left this idea for a while, since i have another concept of multishot singlebarrel, which i belive would work out much better in reality.

I though this first idea would be easy to make, since i basically just would need a very simple kind of barrel, but afterall i would need the cases etc to, so this new concept wouldn't be harder to make.

However, this is how the new single barrel concept works:

The magazine holds the chambers, pretty much like a revolver but without the revolver cylinder and revolving mechanism, and the magazine goes through the barrel from the side, and the chamber itself is inside the barrel, in that way i though the chamber wouldn't have to be that thick, since the barrel it fires from would make that extra thickness. (So the magazines could be compact)

To thin and i guess it would face the same problems as the cases, how thick does it need to be in order to not expand and get stuck in the "magazine hole"?


Magazine mechanism:

The tape function could be made different, without tape. I will come to that later, since the tape would be attached to the main barrel, my idea was that it would wrap itself up automatic, through the movement of the magazine, maybe it could be some trouble with that in practice.

In any case, the protection of the ignition holes will provent chainfire, and also protect the loads when stored.

Magazine mechanism:

Chamber infront of bore, detail:

How it could look in reality:
As a mini-version, for some small caliber. I don't aim for something that small, even if it could be fun to have..

In this version, i skipped the tape and made the magazine holders/clips/stoppers do that function instead. I belive it will be superior in reality.

If the fire source is retained between the shots, you only would have to operate the magazine, so it would basically be a double-action.

(Spare picture with handle

Any thoughts about this new concept?
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Suggested reading: W. W. Greener The Gun and its Development. It really gives you insights into early inventions and innovations. There's also a set on British Firearms Patent, but I'm too lazy to go to my library to find the title (and besides, it's on the bottom shelf). If you're near Whittington Center, the library there has a set.