Simunition training

Mike Mello

New member
Anyone wanting to share some different or unusual training scenarios with Simunitions. One that we use with GSGI is based on an actual incident. An officer responded to an alarm call with an open door. Unknown to him was the owner inside asleep. The owner, hearing a noise from the other side of a door, opened it quickly to the surprise of the officer. Out of shock, the officer fired one round, hitting the owner in the Fermoral artery. The owner bleed to death at the scene, even with medics a minute away.

We set up the same situation with a subject standing on the other side of a door. Any thoughts???

Any other scenarios for the forum.
That is a good one. I like training scenarios which put surprises into "everyday" occurances. The idea being to catch the student as off gaurd as possible. During a training scenario that is tough, becuase the person knows that he is in the training scenario and that something is going to happen.

There are a few of us who train together regularly and know each other's capabilities very well. One thing we do is have a "hot session" which is a time that we all wear hot weapons and keep very aware of each other throughout the session. (I should mention here that we never have done this with more than 3 people and usually it is just two of us.. also that I would consider this something that is definitely not for everyone with live ammo, but would be great for simunition.)
At anytime during this session one or the other of us may call out "Gun Red Plate!!" or some other appropriate designation of Threat and Target, the idea being for the other person or two people to engage that target appropriatley given the proposed threat.
In any situation any target not specifically indicated as a potential threat is considered to be a innocent, adding another twist, depending on the position of the shooter.

We have called one target while the shooter was putting up a new target. We call "body armor", requiring the appropriate response. we call multiple targets. A call of "left silohuette, charging!!" might be met with the drawing of a weapon and the order to stop or an immediate shot, but it is up to the shooter to deal with the situation as called, with no questions asked.

I've been caught standing next to a tactical ted at various times and responded with a physical strike. Once I was caught off gaurd with an empty gun and engaged with a weak handed knife strike.

All three of us have done a fair amount of executive protection and we all have badges of one sort or another. As a standing rule, the caller is considered a VIP if he is near the shooter and must be removed from danger during the engagment. It is not uncommon for a caller to stand directly in front of or beside the shooter. We almost always have vehicles within 20 yards or so of the targets ( we don't ever shoot further than that) that serve as "cover" and safe areas for the "VIP".

Of course, we are all very familar with the proper shoot/noshoot angles at our range, and do not violate them. We all have ear and eye protection on at all times when the session is "hot". I have to repeat that we all know each other very well and trust each other, this not somehting you do the first time you head to the range with someone.

The point is to train as realisticaly as possible and try to catch people off gaurd.

Now, introducing Simuntions to this concept to me makes perfect sense. If I were running a training academy which involved simunitions I would have a day at the end of the class that everyone wore safety gear and hot guns and were told that, regardless of the perceived situation, the range was "hot" until 5pm or whatever. Of course all instuctors that they came into contact with would have safety gear on as well. They could be hit in the head, (stalls and urinals would have to be declared "no fire zones" (orange tape on the floor or something), at lunch. While walking between classes, etc.

Realistically, I am sure that liability and safety issues would cut back on how much of a surprise you could really pull on people. But I would try to get at least a kill house with a classroom in it, that the students could be properly equipped and outfitted in, where at least one "surprise" could be sprung. Or hit them during scoring or discussion of one stage with the next stage, etc.,etc.

Without surprise, training loses a lot for me. How many of us LEOs have done stupid things during real traffic stops, for example, that we would never have done during a training scenario traffic stop. I know I have.

please don't get shot trying to do any of the things I describe, which I admit stretch most accpetable envelopes of safety like Bob Villa putting on Sho Koshugi's spandex pants.

Mike ,I haven't received a classroom package from GSGI yet, and was wondering if they offer Simunitions training for non LEO?
