Simulus Construction-Non-union workers are banned

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On Saturday President Obama reversed a Bush Executive Order allowing non-union construction companies to compete for federal building contracts.

This move by the Obama Administration means that 84% of the national construction workforce will be cut out of any benefit of the "stimulus" bill unless they immediately join a union. It appears to me this is rank discrimination by the Administration. As a matter of law it abridges the right of a person to freely contract for his services.

Thought you might find it interesting. Order was announced Saturday.

What do you think about this? Think there is an agenda here?

See: and
Politicians support whoever they feel got them into office and whoever they think will help them out the next time around. An infamous former administration pandered to defense and energy industry among other things. It is just the way it is.
An infamous former administration pandered to defense and energy industry among other things.

You are referring to the Clinton Administration's grant of no bid contracts to Haliburton, and its protection of Enron, correct?
Off topic.

It'll be closed soon, I'm thinkin'...

This relates to guns and civil liberties how?

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