Sims Barrel De-Resonator

I once tired one on a 22lr rifle. I didn't notice a difference one way or another. Maybe it would be different on gun with more recoil and vibration.
The SIMS/Limbsaver De-resonator has been around for about 10-12 years... I think. Like a lot of barrel harmonic devices, it actually works on some rifles... and does nothing at all, or just the opposite on others. The most consistently successful harmonic devices are those frequently found on target and BR50 .22LR benchrest rifles.

If you don't mind me being really general in my observations, it seems to be that the larger and faster the caliber, the less effect it has. That statement is not 100% accurate however as I've seen one mounted to a Remington actioned, .220 Swift varmint rifle and it actually had the effect of cutting groups nearly in half... and on another Remy .220 Swift on the same day with the same ammo, it did nothing at all.
It'd be interesting to do a multi-caliber, big sample, controlled test on the thing, wouldn't it?

As they are not terribly expensive and you can play with them on just about any rifle (they're are only two sizes as I recall)... might as well try it out before you automatically toss them in the useless gimmick pile. :rolleyes:

I tried them on a couple of rifles a 7 mag and a 300 mag. I could not notice any difference in accuracy in fact they seemed somewhat ungainly so I took them off and threw them away. The plus was they did not cost much.
I tried a couple on my rimfire benchrest rifle and they seemed to work, but not as well as a weighted tuner near the muzzle.

There was a test that compared extremely large-diameter rimfire benchrest barrels, vs smaller-diameter barrels with tuners and the ones with tuners that were properly-adjusted shot better. Many people use 10.5 lb rifles with tuners for both that class, and the 13 lb and Unlimited classes...and win!
The key to using it successfully is to find the sweet spot on the barrel. You can't just stick it on anywhere & expect it to work.
I've got one on my Wby Vanguard .257 Wby. It does make some improvement and didn't take too long to locate in the right place. This is a fairly thin barrel shooting a lot of powder and seems to have some odd harmonics even when freefloated. The deresonator has been on the barrel for 3 years and still soft-I've been pretty careful about getting solvent near it.
Purely in the FWIW, "What works for me" department:

On bolt-action rifles--and so far, those with wood-stocks--I free-float the forearm. I use a 3/4" strip of kitchen wax paper, folded back and forth, to make a shim. I try for no more than a five-pound pull to separate the barrel and forearm to insert the shim at the front end of the forearm. I trim the excess paper with a razor blade.

It has pretty much always helped reduce group size, and I commonly get sub-MOA afterwards.

My uncle's theory about this, from long, long ago, is that the shim acts much like the shock absorbers on a car, damping the spring vibrations. (Which, I guess, is why the Limeys call them "dampers".)

Much cheaper that a BOSS or other add-ons, and not visible.
I tried a de-resonator on both a .30-06 bolt and a .308 single shot, played with them a while and found that if you tinker with the placement on the barrel I could tighten my groups by about 1/4 inch at 100 yards. It was an interesting experiment, but the device was so darned ugly I took it off the rifle. My rifles are hunting rifles and that 1/4 inch simply didn't make enough difference to justify that blob on the barrel.

Still, they're reasonably inexpensive and they did work to a measurable degree. If that little difference matters, then it works.
I took an actual LimbSaver leftover from one of my old bows, drilled the hole a bit bigger, and stuck it on a Marlin 795...
after fiddling around a bit, it seemed to help with strings of shots...but heck, ya never know what'll help or hurt...