Simple question for Glock owners

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New member
Bear with me, not everything is straight in my head.. :)
I searched around for hi-cap mags for Glocks.
When it says "drop free", does it mean that the magazine will "drop free from the gun easily" or do I have it the other way around where it will not drop but release and stop half way?
For LEOs, which would be better? Drop free or non drop free.
Non drop free's are the original mag's that are not lined with a metal lining. (They don't swell when loaded). Designed not to fall out but rather be pulled out. Drop free mags are designed to fall out a little easier. I like the later for range shooting and target pratice. I like the non-drop free for carry. Just a little more insurance that they will be there to feed the next round if you accidently hit your mag release.

[This message has been edited by StanA (edited November 03, 1999).]
The original European style non-drop free mags were standard equipment until the Glock became popular with American competitive shooters. They would probably be preferred for LEO duty since, as StanA states, they will usually stay in the gun if the mag release is accidentally hit during firing. Then a standard tap/rack drill will put you back into action. Also, if you wish to top off in a tactical situation, you would probably want to retain the partially depleted mag so manual extraction is no hindrance.

Competition shooters prefer the drop free mag since it "drops freely" with a press of the mag release, even if loaded. This allows the other hand to be retrieving the next mag and speeds up the reloading process. It means little on the street - except that a shooter should choose one style and use it all the time so they don't get a nasty surprise during an emergency encounter.

Good posts.

At least in my experience, "drop-free" is really a misnomer, although we use it all the time. As bobo says, a "drop-free" mag may or may not drop free. I have seemingly identical "drop-free" mags for my G17, some of which drop free and some of which have to be pulled out of the magazine well.

IMHO "full-metal-lined" tends to be the more reliably descriptive term for these mags. :)
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