simple answer????


I have always thought that there is a very easy answer to lifting the 1986 ban.

1. keep the registration process the same, hell even the $200 tax
2. when you purchase any NFA item you must sign a contract stating that
if you ever decide to sell/trade it must be through a dealer
3. if that NFA object EVER ends up being involved in a crime, even if it wasn't you, or in the wrong hands you will be subject to the current 10yrs. 100k fine,
hell make it life in prison.(of course there would have to be some additional clauses about theft and other rare happenings).
What a great idea! Hold me responsible for the actions of others, and charge me for the privilege!
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No actually it would be holding you accountable. You sell your gun privately you get into trouble. Same idea of the law regarding kids and guns. I consider this a viable option. Maybe a happy medium. There is no way that NFA items will EVER be considered the same as "normal" items. What if it gets stolen? Report it to the police, liability is not on you then.
hey i have a better solution get rid of the 86 ban and the nfa and give us our freedom back:mad:
son:what was that
father:mmmm that my son is the sound of freedom :cool:
No no no the average sheep, I mean person can not be trusted with dangerous weapons of mass death like that. Especially the most evil short barreled rifle. Instead of killing thirty people with a thirty round 'clip' you can now kill 100 people with the same 'clip' with a barrel that is less than 16". Only the all knowing all seeing and never corruptable government can be trusted with killing machines such as those. They can all have the best weapons available, paid for by us, to keep us inline because we need and want structure from the compassionate government. What are you guys thinking. The constitution was devised to give the government power and not the people. Especially the second ammendment. Just do what you told they know best.
The constitution was devised to give the government power and not the people. Especially the second ammendment. Just do what you told they know best.

Actually, the constitution was devised in a way which makes it possible for the people to overthrow the government in a time in which the government has overstepped its bounds and is out of control. Small things like the NFA, however, will never constitute such actions. About the only thing I see creating such a thing would be if the president declares martial law and attempt to disarm the entire nation. But thats a subject all in itself.

I believe that people are fully capable of governing themselves. Do away with the NFA ban completely. FA weapons are no more or less dangerous than any other weapon. People with serious trigger time can usually pull the trigger at nearly the same rate as a FA weapon will fire, anyway. Whats the difference?
in my opinion their are not enough americans as crazy as me to wage a civil war for our rights as it is now if us few make a stand i hate to say it we will die:( but when the gov. has gone to far and it is to late thair will be enough
two words for when that happens (all firearms are banned)

Are you guys trying to tell me that

All those lawyers (pond scum) in Washington that have made billions of dollars writing up all those wonderful laws that make our life SO much better didn’t have our well being in mind???
What are you all thinking?
You sell your gun privately you get into trouble.

This is absurd. You propose creating a new law with extreme mandatory penalties for a problem that does not and has never existed. It is already illegal for a person to transfer a NFA item without first doing the paperwork.

Your "solution" is the reason there are so many idiotic gun laws on the books today. It is merely a "feel good" law that has no basis in reality, would not prevent a single crime from occuring and whose purpose is to appease the anti-gunners in the hope that it will, someday, pursuade them to repeal an existing law.