Silliness in Washington

Mike in VA

New member
Worse that Wonderland, words don't mean what they mean in Washington, consider:

David Howard, an aide to DC Mayor Anthony Williams, was forced to resign after other staff members were upset with his use of the word “niggardly” to describe his administration of a fund he was responsible for, because it was perceived as a racial slur. Howard apologized, saying no slur was intended (the word has Swedish roots, meaning stingy, miserly or grudgingly, and has no racial connotation), but the Mayor accepted his resignation any way, saying he should have had better judgment (yo, Tony, where's YOUR judgment??).

The mayor has been criticized by some of the local Mau-mau's for not being 'black' enough. Unfortuneately none have figured out it isn't about beign 'black' enough, it's about being smart enough and it annoys me no end that the mayor chooses to validate a bunch of semi-literate politically correct pecksniffs, rather than simply suggesting that the morons look it up and get over it--the word means what it means. There are a lot of words that sound funny or bad, but most people get by., e.g. philanthropy and fellatio sound sort of alike, but no one manages to mistake the two.

When Williams was elected, there was a lot of hope that DC was going to get better and act like a real American city. Mayor Barely (Marion Barry) used to complain that people were after him because he was black, when in reality, it was because he (and his administration) was stupid, incompetent, and corrupt. It’s too soon to tell about the competence or integrity of the Williams administration, but they sure are getting a jump on the ‘stupid’ part (must be the Congressional influence). So, Tony, how do you say ‘miserly’ in Ebonics?

Just proud to be a taxpayer. M2
Can you imagine what would happen if you introduced a friend from the African Country of Niger in Washington DC.

Where is your friend from again?

He's a Nigerian.

Somebody get the rope this Honky is calling us bad words.

There is only one race HUMAN.
Words mean different things to different races and ethnicites.
Do you know that there is an objection to White Christmas on the basis that it has a subliminal message?
There are at least two different worlds out there.(Isnt that a song too?)

Better days to be,

The Mau-mau's were a secret society/political movement in what is now Kenya. The rebelled against the colonial Brits, largely over loosing their lands and started a nasty little war in the 1880s(?), went around assassinating Europeans and 'disloyal' Africans. I felt the analogy was appropriate. M2

[This message has been edited by Mike in VA (edited 01-29-99).]
Mike, we may need some mau-mau's over here if things keep going like they are!!

fiat justitia
Mort, i was just kinda thinkin' out loud. surely everybody knows i wouldn't advocate such a thing. but on the other hand, i live in the south, and a bunch of my long gone kin folks fought in the Confederate Army for the rights of individual states to govern themselves.(not for the reason that most seem to think it was fought for) so Mort, it may just run in the bloodline! ;)

fiat justitia